6th November 2022
Yendi Notes
We visited the Church that meets in the village of Nakpachee this morning. I am so thankful the road toward Bimbilla is complete. This is the road we traveled today. What used to take 45 minutes now takes about 15. When they built the road they didn’t give easy access to the church building so I had to meander around some houses to reach a place where I could park the truck.
Timothy Niligrini taught the bible class and I preached. One of the church leaders named Supa, informed us there was to be a naming ceremony after services. I chose to preach about the birth of Samson in Judges 13 and how eager Manoah and his wife were to raise the child according to God’s instructions. Samson was to be a Nazirite from the womb. If Samson wasn’t alive inside his mother’s womb how could he be a Nazirite from the womb. This story might make a good argument against abortion.
After services a short naming ceremony was held. It just so happened the baby was Brother Supa’s baby boy. The infant was a good looking little guy but he slept through the ceremony. The parents named the baby Takai-Njonaan Timothy. We were told the first name means “ evening blessing “.
The Church requested new doors and windows . The termites had a buffet on several of the doors and window frames. I explained that we would be happy to help when we get back to Yendi in February. We will have the items made from metal which pleased the brethren. It amazes me how quickly the termites can destroy wood.
Kandie was popular because she was taking the photos of the family and friends of the baby boy before we left. We also got a good photo of the whole Church .
Kandie spent the afternoon working on the taxes while I continued working on getting the Social Welfare report organized so it can be submitted hopefully later this week.
Another Lord’s Day has come and gone. Hope you enjoyed that extra hour of sleep last night. Have a good day and may God bless!
In His service,
Stephen and Kandie Taylor