"Go into all the world and preach the Good News to everyone." Mark 16:15

Category Yendi Notes

Yendi Notes Monthly| August 2024

We were disappointed to find out when checking in at the Delta desk at Huntsville Airport that our baggage allowance for the flight would not permit us to carry in the two extra pieces of luggage.  We were hopeful that… Continue Reading →

Yendi Notes| 7 September 2024

We spent the day in Tamale. We needed tires for the red truck but the guy we buy tires from was not open today. We found out that he is a Seventh Day Adventist and that he does not open… Continue Reading →

Yendi Notes| 6 September 2024

Adamu, the severely malnourished little girl was discharged from the hospital this afternoon. Of course no one will tell the mother what was wrong with the child but at least she is better. Zorash came by and picked up the… Continue Reading →

Yendi Notes| 5 September 2024

Mr. Iddrisu was back at work this morning. We hired two ladies to help him and Donkey move the block. They also helped with the gravel and sand. The masons finished setting the block on the second bath house today…. Continue Reading →

Yendi Notes| 4 September 2024

We were startled out of our sleep this morning at 5:30!  Mr. Iddrisu called to tell us that his back was hurting him and he would not be able to come to work.  This threw a wrench in the plans… Continue Reading →

Yendi Notes| 3 September 2024

The motor king died this morning.  Well, it was not completely dead but it would not stay running and it could not pull a load without dying.  Steve had to tow it to Solomon, the mechanic.  The motor king is… Continue Reading →

Yendi Notes| 2 September 2024

Dawda, the mason, started the work on the bath house this morning. We are planning on making 4 bath houses with each bath house having 2 rooms. The bath houses double as urinals. Yes, it is gross but that is… Continue Reading →

Yendi Notes| 1 September 2024

Kandie and I were up at 6am so we could be out to Kulkpeni to pick up Timothy and company at 7am.  We were going to the village of Mulpido to participate in the burial of the church leader; Elijah…. Continue Reading →

Yendi Notes| 31 August 2024

When we were in the states we got a message from Timothy Niligrini to let us know that Elijah, one of the church leaders, was seriously sick and in the hospital in Tamale. He had Hepatitis B and was being… Continue Reading →

Yendi Notes| 30 August 2024

It was quiet in the compound for much of the day. Donkey, Skeeter and I were the only ones here for most of the morning. Steve went to Kulkpeni to teach the monthly Church leader / evangelists’ class. Around 12:00… Continue Reading →

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