"Go into all the world and preach the Good News to everyone." Mark 16:15

Category Yendi Notes

Yendi Notes| 3 April 2024

Timothy Niligrini came over this afternoon so we could edit the class material that he is translating into the Konkomba language.  We were not editing for content, we were editing for punctuation and the numbers on the outlines.  He has… Continue Reading →

YendiNotes| 1 April 2024

Steve spent a portion of the day working on the monthly evangelist report.  I told him that he would have to add the 2 baptisms from yesterday to the count that the evangelists and church leaders turned in at the… Continue Reading →

Yendi Notes| 31 March 2024

Well folks, we had a brutally chilling day.  The high temperature was 114o F and a cool 126o F heat index.  I was glad when we arrived at the village of Frigmado and the congregation was worshipping outside under the trees. A… Continue Reading →

Yendi Notes| 30 March 2024

We sat in the office at the computers almost all day!  It is about to be the end of the month so we started entering receipts, sorting receipts and trying to make sure that we pulled all the receipts that… Continue Reading →

Yendi Notes| 29 March 2024

We went to see Adamu, the malnourished abandoned child, again today.  She seems to be doing better.  While we were there we had them feed her and she ate much quicker today than she did the last time.  It only… Continue Reading →

Yendi Notes| 28 March 2024

The neighborhood teens have figured out a way to get over the 8 foot cement wall that is lined with razor wire.  They want to come into the property to get the mangoes off the trees at the back of… Continue Reading →

Yendi Notes| 27 March 2024

Divine, the evangelist woke us up this morning with his early morning call.  We thought that he was at the gate but he was just calling to let us know that he would be dropping off some of the Church’s… Continue Reading →

Yendi Notes | 26 March 2024

Today we gave mangoes to 2 of the widow ladies that live in our area; they are members of the church.  Both of the ladies are raising their grandchildren and their own children live with them.   Here in Ghana the… Continue Reading →

Yendi Notes| 25 March 2024

Steve got the new wall in the storeroom painted.  It took 2 coats of paint because the paint is sort of a chalky substance and the new plaster was very thirsty.  The last time we painted the storeroom we mixed… Continue Reading →

Yendi Notes| 24 March 2024

We got its first rain of the New Year last night. There was a powerful wind storm accompanying the rain. It knocked down a lot of mangoes as well as old leaves and the seed pods from the teak trees… Continue Reading →

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