We got out early this morning so we could get the razor wire put up before it got too hot. We were in luck this morning because it rained last night and there was a heavy cloud cover while we… Continue Reading →
Donkey did not come to work today because he had a funeral to attend but he did come long enough this morning to feed the monkey which we really appreciate because I told him that I was afraid when we… Continue Reading →
We just got back from Tamale. We had to go to the bank and get the money that we were going to deposit in the bank in Yendi. We have done this for the past few years and it works… Continue Reading →
Steve is outside barbecuing chicken; 100 degree weather seems a little hot to be barbecuing anything! Maybe the hot weather will help the chicken cook faster and he won’t have to stand out there for so long! Ha! We roasted… Continue Reading →
At 6:15 this morning the motor king driver called to inform us he was waiting at the field gate to start moving concrete blocks. He had 300 more blocks to move to finish the work he started yesterday. Dawda, the… Continue Reading →
Last night before we went to bed Steve called Dawda, the mason and told him that part of the wall fell down. He was surprised; he said that he would come first thing this morning and see what could be… Continue Reading →
Today was the day for the monthly class. The men went away happy today because Steve gave everyone that attended the class a new tire and tube for their bicycle. He also used some of the teaching material that the… Continue Reading →
It is raining! The temperature dropped from 102 degrees to 72 degrees in a matter of minutes. It feels lovely! We are probably the only ones in Yendi that think the change in temperature is lovely! Before it started raining… Continue Reading →
The hospital prescribed more IV antibiotics for Adamu; they said that she had a fever and that the white blood count on her last blood work was high. Steve said he saw the test results and that everything was in… Continue Reading →
Adamu’s mother is staying at the hospital with her! We are so happy that Adamu has been reunited with her mother, Jamilia. We are not all that sure how her mother feels. I asked Jamilia if Adamu was happy to… Continue Reading →
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