"Go into all the world and preach the Good News to everyone." Mark 16:15

Category Yendi Notes

Yendi Notes| 13 March 2024

We spent several hours this morning at the GRA (tax) office.  There was a problem with everyone’s annual returns except Zorash’s.  The officer was a bit put out when he saw us there again this morning.  Not only was there… Continue Reading →

Yendi Notes| 12 March 2024

We spent the whole morning in the tax office trying to sort out the problems with the employees’ annual returns.  What a mess!  The officer tried to make the problem our fault but once we produced our payment receipts he… Continue Reading →

Yendi Notes| 11 March 2024

Muslims all over the world started the Ramadan fasting today except a small pocket of those that live in this area.  They said that they will start tomorrow because the time in Mecca is not the same time as it… Continue Reading →

Yendi Notes| 10 March 2024

Kandie got up earlier this morning to pick up more mangoes to give Timothy and his family before Iddrisu got to work. This big tree next to the house has been dropping mangoes like lice on a hen’s roost. I… Continue Reading →

Yendi Notes| 9 March 2023

Donkey was the only one working today so he got all the mangoes.  The last time I saw his stash he had ½ of a hundred pound feed sack full of mangos.  The problem with the mangoes is that when… Continue Reading →

Yendi Notes| 8 March 2024

After we finished our walk this morning we headed to town to buy a board to make a shelf .  The room that we use for tools and storage and a small workshop has a table that I decided needed… Continue Reading →

Yendi Notes| 7 March 2024

Mr. Iddrisu was late for work this morning so he had to stay to make up his time but I don’t think that he minded because he was the only one in the compound and he was busy picking up… Continue Reading →

Yendi Notes| 6 March 2024

Today is a national holiday; it is Ghana’s Independence Day.  She was a British colony and she gained her independence in 1957.  Yendi has a parade ground and children are selected from various schools to march in the parade.  Of… Continue Reading →

Yendi Notes| 5 March 2024

We had planned on helping the church at Kulkpeni build another building to be used for sleeping quarters when we have the seminar.  The church met and the men are afraid that the rain will come before they get the… Continue Reading →

Yendi Notes| 3 March 2024

It was another scorching day.  As I am writing this email at 4:15pm the thermometer is saying 1010F.  This is the kind of temperatures that we usually expect at this time of year. This coming Wednesday, the 6th, is Ghana’s Independence Day and… Continue Reading →

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