We decided that we needed to go ahead and fill out the Withholding tax forms even though we do not have the Tax ID number for the man we bought cement from. Timothy talked to him again today and he… Continue Reading →
The more we find out about the deal Kulkpeni church made with the contractor that is building the bridge on the road from Yendi to Kulkpeni sounds worse and worse. They said they needed 8 rooms. It was presumed that… Continue Reading →
Divine was the first person to visit this morning. He always comes early. Saturday, the auditor called and said that 2 of the churches’ paperwork had problems. We needed to resubmit their paperwork. This was something that we had filed… Continue Reading →
When Donkey came to work this morning he was very upset about an accident that happened on the main road near the turn off to the mission house yesterday afternoon. A pickup truck full of people (when we say full… Continue Reading →
We met with the Social Welfare officer this morning by accident. Steve was going to call him to get him involved in Adamu’s case, the little severely malnourished baby that was abandoned. We were surprised this morning when he paid… Continue Reading →
Today was a national holiday for Ghana; it is May Day. All the banks and business offices were closed and there were no public schools open today. I am not sure if the private schools were closed too. The Child… Continue Reading →
Today is our 47th anniversary! Steve is taking me out for a special dinner and a movie afterwards. NOT! Steve is outside right now trimming up the big mango tree. This year the branches were so long and droopy when they… Continue Reading →
We thought the carpenter was going to put the roof on the building at Kulkpeni this morning but when he came to the jobsite he decided to change the price he quoted Timothy. He told Timothy that each room would… Continue Reading →
We thought that because the church paperwork was behind us and the masons were postponing filling the floors in the rooms today that we would have less to do . Wrong! Dawda called first thing this morning to let us… Continue Reading →
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