"Go into all the world and preach the Good News to everyone." Mark 16:15

Category Yendi Notes

Yendi Notes| 14 June 2024

Here’s a short Note to let everyone know we had an uneventful trip back to Alabama.  We were cutting it close  on our connecting flight in Amsterdam but we made the flight with God’s help .  Thank you for your… Continue Reading →

Yendi Notes| 12 June 2024

On our way to the carvers’ village this morning we stopped at the botanical gardens in Aburi and saw the most unusual tree.  Some time ago the tree died so the local carvers decided to turn the whole tree into… Continue Reading →

Yendi Notes| 11 June 2024

We are in Accra.  Our plane had a 2 hour delay because it needed “unscheduled” maintenance”.  Whatever that means; we have no idea what they had to do but we are happy that they took care of it before we… Continue Reading →

Yendi Notes| 10 June 2024

Today has been a whirlwind of activity!  The list of things “to do” seemed to go on forever.  We have not stopped all day except to eat!   We had to eat to keep our strength up!  Ha!   We have almost… Continue Reading →

Yendi Notes| 9 June 2024

We were both up early this morning. We were trying to get some things done toward getting the house ready to be closed up. Kandie got several loads of clothes washed and hung out before we headed for Timothy Niligrini’s… Continue Reading →

Yendi Notes| 8 June 2024

Steve’s first job this morning was to go to town and buy electricity units.  The meters at the mission house and the Child Center are pre-paid meters.  We have to buy enough electricity to last for all the time we… Continue Reading →

Yendi Notes| 7 June 2024

We got out early this morning so we could get the razor wire put up before it got too hot.  We were in luck this morning because it rained last night and there was a heavy cloud cover while we… Continue Reading →

Yendi Notes| 6 June 2024

Donkey did not come to work today because he had a funeral to attend but he did come long enough this morning to feed the monkey which we really appreciate because I told him that I was afraid when we… Continue Reading →

Yendi Notes| 5 June 2024

We just got back from Tamale.  We had to go to the bank and get the money that we were going to deposit in the bank in Yendi.  We have done this for the past few years and it works… Continue Reading →

Yendi Notes| 3 June 2024

Steve is outside barbecuing chicken; 100 degree weather seems a little hot to be barbecuing anything!  Maybe the hot weather will help the chicken cook faster and he won’t have to stand out there for so long!  Ha!  We roasted… Continue Reading →

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