"Go into all the world and preach the Good News to everyone." Mark 16:15

Category Yendi Notes

Yendi Notes| 21 April 2024

When Timothy Niligrini arrived at the house this morning I was surprised to hear that his little boy Philemon was in the Yendi hospital and had been there since Friday. The symptoms he described the boy having could be several… Continue Reading →

Yendi Notes| 20 April 2024

We have been waiting for Red to come to the mission house all day.  We talked to him this morning about making the doors and windows for the sleeping quarters for Kulkpeni.   He said he was on his way.  He… Continue Reading →

Yendi Notes| 19 April 2024

We left this morning before 7:00 and did not get back to the mission house until shortly after 5:00 this evening.  We went to Tamale; at least we did not have to drive back to Yendi in the dark!  Our main reason… Continue Reading →

Yendi Notes| 18 April 2024

We finally tried out the new and improved corn roaster.  It worked beautifully!  The corn and soybeans can either be roasted with firewood or with propane.  Today we opted for propane.  We did not even have to move the roaster… Continue Reading →

Yendi Notes| 17 April 2024

We are beyond excited!  Adamu, the severely malnourished starving abandoned 1 ½ year old, came back to the Center this morning.  We were afraid that we would have to go to the house again to check on her.  The first… Continue Reading →

Yendi Notes| 16 April 2024

The old van is back in the shop; Gomda fixed the clutch but now it does not have 5th gear; mind you we very seldom are on roads that are good enough to use 5th gear but we should have the option… Continue Reading →

Yendi Notes| 15 April 2024

When we got in the green truck to go to town this afternoon to pick up the old van from the mechanic we figured out what the noise in the air conditioning motor in the green truck was caused from. … Continue Reading →

Yendi Notes| 14 April 2024

We woke up to a gentle rain this morning which is not the norm for this time of year. Let me be quick to say I’m not complaining; rain around here is always a good thing. We were scheduled to… Continue Reading →

Yendi Notes| 13 April 2024

The shocks for the green truck came in so first thing this morning we took the truck to the mechanic to get them put on.  It should have been an easy job but when he pulled the wheels he found… Continue Reading →

Yendi Notes | 12 April 2024

This morning while we were taking our walk Steve decided to take a detour and walk down past the lumber yard that is making the benches for the churches; he just wanted to see if they had started working on… Continue Reading →

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