Kandie and I were up at 6am so we could be out to Kulkpeni to pick up Timothy and company at 7am. We were going to the village of Mulpido to participate in the burial of the church leader; Elijah…. Continue Reading →
When we were in the states we got a message from Timothy Niligrini to let us know that Elijah, one of the church leaders, was seriously sick and in the hospital in Tamale. He had Hepatitis B and was being… Continue Reading →
It was quiet in the compound for much of the day. Donkey, Skeeter and I were the only ones here for most of the morning. Steve went to Kulkpeni to teach the monthly Church leader / evangelists’ class. Around 12:00… Continue Reading →
Today is our grandson Parker’s 14th birthday. The worst part of being over here is missing the special days! We called him and sang to him; he is 14. I am sure that our singing was the highlight of his day. … Continue Reading →
Several new people have signed up to receive the Yendi Notes and I was wondering if the new people had any idea who the folks that we talk about really are and what role they play in the work so… Continue Reading →
Steve made several trips to town today. The guy that we buy formula from called and said that he was able to find 10 cases of formula and that he was in Yendi. The guy drives a big truck loaded… Continue Reading →
Adamu, the severely malnourished child, came to the center this morning; she had been discharged from the hospital and her mother said she was doing better. Steve encouraged her to give her all the medicine that the doctor prescribed. Adamu… Continue Reading →
After talking with Timothy Niligrini on Friday we made plans to visit the congregation at Sobitido which is located south west of Kulkpeni. Timothy said one of the church leaders was having a problem that we needed to discuss with… Continue Reading →
We got a little rain last night; it was still drizzling when we went for our walk this morning. Divine called and said that his area got a seriously heavy rain last night. Maybe the rain will help his rice… Continue Reading →
Yesterday a friend called us to tell us that we should not go to the market at Kulkpeni. This all goes back to a land dispute between the Konkombas and the Dagombas when 3 people were killed. Two of the… Continue Reading →
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