We took a different route on our walk this morning. We decided to walk further into town and go to the pharmacy that is in front of Red’s house. We needed to buy some anti-malaria medicine and some pain tablets… Continue Reading →
We made an unexpected trip to Tamale today. When we woke up this morning Steve checked the computer and found out that the bank transfer had come in; at least we hoped that it came in because we got a… Continue Reading →
We just got back from Kulkpeni. The sign painter got the signboard finished so we took it out this afternoon and got it set in cement. We hope that the children don’t decide to swing on it before the cement… Continue Reading →
We got a call this morning from our children to let us know that we had a new president! We are sort of out of the loop over here unless someone lets us know what is going on. Of course… Continue Reading →
Yesterday when we dropped Kulkpeni’s signboard off at the painters, one of the officers from GRA (sort of like our IRS) stopped to greet us. He said that he was surprised that we were still in Ghana; he wondered why… Continue Reading →
Today is Donkey’s day off so we were surprised when he showed up at the mission house this morning. He said that he needed to get a loan because he is trying to get his electricity reconnected. A few years… Continue Reading →
As Kandie said in yesterday’s Notes we spent the night in Tamale. Well, our hotel room was hot and we had to have our friend the manager come several times until he decided to move us to the room next… Continue Reading →
We made it safely to Tamale. We got here about 3:00 this afternoon. Our first stop was to pick up the copier and 2 printers that we left with the repair man. He said that all of them were working… Continue Reading →
We made it safely to Kumasi. Steve downloaded google maps on his phone and it got us to within a couple miles of our hotel. Once we got close enough Steve knew where we were even though it has been… Continue Reading →
This morning we had a meeting with the employees and the other board directors. The meeting was supposed to start at 8:30 but as usual the people were late in arriving. Zorash called Tichak, one of the night watchmen at… Continue Reading →
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