Today’s Yendi Notes are being produced by Steve Carr.

Today was the second day of the seminar and everything went well.  I spoke on Daniel this morning and John spoke on Timothy.  We both had a question and answer session after our lessons.  The Ghanaians were very attentive during the lessons and asked many questions.  At last count there was over 500 attendees from 30 congregations of the Church of Christ.  The seminar is a great event for the Christians in Ghana.  It gives them an opportunity to grow spiritually from the bible lessons being taught and an opportunity to have fellowship with each other.

We had to rent 100 more chairs the first thing this morning because of the additional attendees that were arriving.  We were able to deliver the chairs to Kulkpeni before breakfast.  Also, this afternoon we had to go get additional rice, chicken, and bread for their dinner this evening.  The cooks had the wood fires burning and were cooking the rice before we left.

It was just getting dark as we were getting ready to depart the seminar this evening.  Then we heard that there were some young people that wanted to be baptized.  Some of the church leaders went to round them up and there were a total of nine young men and women that were ready to obey the gospel.  We took their confession and they loaded in the truck to go to the river which was right down the road.  John drove the truck and Steve, Kandi, and I rode along.  The young men and women were singing as we went.

It was dark when John pulled the truck down to the river and shined the headlights on the water to make sure there were no crocodiles.  One of the church leaders performed the baptisms.  We now have nine new members of the church.  Please keep them in your prayers.

We returned to the mission house around 7PM after a busy but successful day.  Kandi prepared barbeque chicken for supper and it was delicious as usual.  John and I may have to go on a diet!

The seminar ends tomorrow mid morning and we will be taking loads of people back to the bus station in Yendi.  Also, we will clean up, count and stack the chairs, and return all of the cooking pots and supplies to the mission house (AND prepare to head home!)  Please keep us in your prayers.


In His Service,

Steve and Kandie

John Colgan and Steve Carr
