The headlines in Ghana’s Daily Graphic newspaper states “Parliament passes bill criminalizing LGBT activities in Ghana”!  Imagine that! 

The article goes on to say “Ghana’s Parliament has approved a bill aimed at promoting human sexual rights and family values, commonly referred to as the anti-LGBT bill.  The legislation prohibits lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) activities and criminalizes their promotion, advocacy, and funding in the country.  Under the new law, individuals engaged in such activities could face imprisonment ranging from six months to three years, while promoters and sponsors of such acts could be sentenced to three to five years in jail…”

“The law will go into effect if President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo signs it into law!”  

“Gay sex is already against the law in Ghana – it carries a three-year prison sentence.”

You know  the President is getting lots of pressure from outside the country not to sign the bill!  Please pray that it goes through!

The mother of the child with the cancerous tumor called today and they need to buy more of the IV solution.  It appears that the IV is the only thing keeping his child going right now because he is not able to eat or swallow.  Please pray for this child.  We sent additional money to the family this afternoon.

We also helped a middle aged man today who is a friend of Zorash.  He has been passing blood when he poops for several years but now he has decided that he needs to do something about it.  The doctor in Tamale is going to do a scope and he is using Castor Oil  and Sprite as the cleaning out method.  He could not find any Sprite in Yendi so we shared some of Steve’s stash with him.  Hopefully they can find out what is going on.

Mr. Adams, the fix-it man, was able to repair the scale we use to weigh the babies.  He said that it has a gear that was worn. Mr. Adams being as ingenious as he is he flipped the gear over and it worked like a charm.  He is a funny guy; when we asked how much we owed him he said, “I never did this work before; this was a learning for me; maybe I should pay you for teaching me something.”  We had a good laugh before we paid him.

The server that has been sending out the Yendi Notes merged with another company and the Yendi Notes email addresses did not transfer so we are back to square one trying to get the Yendi Notes out to people that want to receive them.  If you happen to get this email please pass the information on to others that might want to receive them.  Below are the directions for getting back on the Yendi Notes email list.

In HIS Service,

Steve and Kandie 


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            Thank you, Aaron and Melissa Taylor 
