The masons continued plastering bath house #2 even though it was threatening to rain. Just before they closed for the day they called Steve begging for us to bring tarps or plastic sheeting or whatever we had so they could cover the newly plastered walls. We took down the sheets of plastic that we use to cover the beds and furniture when we leave. The plastic will help if the wind does not blow too hard. The easiest thing to have done was to stop working when the storm clouds started to form. Presently it is lightly sprinkling; time will tell if it rains hard enough to melt the plaster.

Red, the part time driver, handyman, welder, mechanic stopped by today to collect the money for the blocks he is going to mold for us. While he was here I vented to him about Dawda and the floor fiasco yesterday. He too could not understand why Dawda does what he wants instead of what we want. He said that he was going to talk to Dawda and advise him. This afternoon when we went to check on the work the floors on this bath house are down where we like them to be. Maybe Red’s talk worked. Dawda even asked if we wanted him to tear the floor out and reduce it by 4 inches. Absolutely not! What a mess that would be and what a wasted expense! Just do it right the first time!

We got the peanuts and most of the grain roasted. The last batch of soybeans is in the roaster right now; hopefully it will be finished before we eat supper.

It is raining heavily now but the wind does not seem too bad so maybe the plastic will stay in place; they put half cement blocks on the top the walls to hold the plastic in place.

While Donkey and Mr. Iddrisu were hauling blocks from Red’s house they had a flat tire on the motor king. It was a good thing that Red was home because neither of them knows how to change a tire. Fortunately the spare tire was in good shape. It needed a new tube so Steve went to town and bought one. There used to be a tool box attached to the motor king but a few years ago the bottom rusted out of the tool box and the jack, the tools, rope and extra spark plugs fell out never to be found. Someone had a lucky day when they came upon that treasure!

It is raining so hard right now that it is difficult for Steve and I to hear each other. The mission house has a tin roof and no insulation.

Have a great day!

In HIS Service,

Steve, Kandie and Skeeter

The Monkeyshines

I am insulted! It is raining so hard and I have not been rescued from my jail cell yet. I do have a little room in the jail cell that is waterproof but it is not scare proof! Besides I don’t really like that room; it feels like solitary confinement! The rain frightens me! But then so does everything!

I got really scared today when they started up that machine that roasts the corn. It was awful! One minute I was minding my own business climbing in the tall trees near the veranda and the next minute that machine turned on and with every turn I could hear the grain crashing to the bottom of the metal drum. I screeched and ran to the other side of the veranda. Donkey came walking up to the house; I ran and quickly climbed up his leg and into his arms! He saved my life! Donkey is my friend; he is one of the guys who feeds me. I like Donkey better than Mr. Iddrisu but Mr. Iddrisu is good if no one else is around. That machine has run for hours and hours today! I could not enjoy going outside because of the machine. In fact I spent a portion of the morning in the living room hanging onto the screen door looking outside at Mom and Dad and that machine. I felt certain that it was going to eat them!

Scaredy Cat or Should I say Scaredy Monkey!

Love, Skeeter
