We are in Accra.  Our plane had a 2 hour delay because it needed “unscheduled” maintenance”.  Whatever that means; we have no idea what they had to do but we are happy that they took care of it before we were in the air!  Red was at the airport in Accra waiting to meet us when the plane landed.  Steve had called him to let him know we would be late so he did not have to waste his time sitting at the airport.  My brother Paul did not come to the airport.  Our first stop was the Forex  (foreign exchange) to change dollars into Cedis.  Then we went to the hotel / apartment and checked in before we went to get something to eat.  

Gomda, the mechanic that we got a driver’s license for last month, did a fine job of driving us to Tamale to the airport this morning.  Well, I guess he did a fine job, I really don’t know because I slept most of the way.  Gomda was at the house on time this morning and we got to the airport with time to spare which always makes us happy.  Steve always figures extra time because you never know when we might have a flat tire or car trouble.

We got up shortly after 5:00 this morning and were in a ball of activity for the next couple of hours.  There were lots of things we still had to do this morning.  Make the bed, cover it with plastic, put the ties on the refrigerator to make sure that the doors stayed shut, close all the windows and doors, give the last of the food to Mr. Iddrisu and leave a note with last minute instructions for Mr. Iddrisu.  We also made a couple signs and left them hanging on the door to the office and the paint shed to remind the workers that the monkey had to be fed.  I let Skeeter out of his cage for one more romp in the house before 2 months of solitary confinement!  

My brother Paul and Red drove to Accra yesterday.  We met up with them this afternoon.  Since Paul has a vehicle we used it to do a little shopping and get something to eat.  We had planned on eating Lebanese food for supper but there was a sign on the restaurant door that said, “Closed due to illness.  Will reopen soon!”  We were disappointed but there is a good Chinese restaurant near the Lebanese restaurant so we went there instead.  Paul treated us to a wonderful supper; we ate far too much! But it was delicious!

Please continue to pray for us as we travel.

In HIS Service,

Steve and Kandie
