The building at Kulkpeni is finished! Hallelujah! We are so happy to have that behind us!  The church is talking about doing some additional remodeling to the church building but we are not involved in that; at least not yet.  Someone has the bright idea that they should move the truss that holds up the roof so they can close in the gables with cement blocks.  What?  Even someone with one eye should be able to tell that spells disaster!  We plainly told them that the church could do what they wanted but we would not put our hands into it nor would we help when the outside section of the roof collapsed and ruined not only the truss but the iron sheets as well.  We gave them a couple other options of how to close the gables without dismantling the roof.  

Since they finished the job we spent part of the afternoon cleaning up the jobsite and hauling all the things back to the mission house that they used for the job.  Since Mr. Iddrisu is now out of pocket because he cannot see and cannot drive the motor king we drove the old van and the pick up to collect all the stuff.  On the way back to the mission house I was driving the old van when I lost all my gears.  The last gear I lost was 4th.  I limped into Yendi on 4th gear by riding the clutch and driving faster than I wanted to drive.  I got almost to the main road in Yendi when 4th gear went out.  I eased over to the side of the road and was happy that I had my cell phone with me.  Steve was ahead of me and he noticed that I was not following him.  He came to my rescue; he could not get it to go into any of the gears either.  I called Gomda the mechanic and told him I was stranded!  He was not very far away so he came and picked up the van.  He pumped the clutch; started the van in gear and at least got it moving.  Gomda just worked on the clutch / gears the day before yesterday.  He said that he was surprised and that he wanted to keep it for 2 days so he could study it and see what the problem was.  We told him we did not care if he kept it 10 days as long as he fixed it.  Ha!  We off loaded everything we could from the van to the truck; we had to utilize the back seat of the truck but we got it all in one vehicle.

We had Donkey dig a new hole for our kitchen scraps.  It is sort of like a composting place for us to put all the peels from the fruit and vegetable scraps.  We have a large round metal lid that covers the hole to keep varmints out.  It takes about a year or so to fill the hole and when we did a new one we used part of the dirt to fully cover the hole.

This afternoon Zorash called to tell me that the lady who sells the fabric seconds had been to Accra and she had come back yesterday with a new batch of fabric.  She always likes to give us first choice when she brings new fabric.  I only found one piece of fabric that I could use this time.  All the fabric she brought had huge flowers on it.  When I say huge the flowers are the size of a dinner plate!

Thank you for all you do for us and for the work!

In HIS Service,

Steve and Kandie

Skeeter’s Monkey Business

Today was a better day than yesterday!  Today I got to spend at least 75 percent of the day with my people!  It was lovely.  The only drawback was that Mom made me sit with Donkey to have my morning bottle.  I like him better and better but today he was a little too aggressive!  I tried to be friendly and put my hand in his but then he grabbed me!  He held me and did not want to put me down!  He actually held me too hard and Mom had to tell him to set me free!  I think that if we could get him to just sit there and let me do what I like we could be friends.

Dad found some Kellogg’s Frosted flakes corn cereal!  I love it!  I eat it dry as a snack.  I try to stick my hands in the box to help myself but Dad does not like that.  He says, “Now, don’t be messing with my food!  You have gone too far when you mess with my food!”  I have to wait for him to give me a few pieces.  It is very hard for me to wait, especially when I am starving!

Dad tied knots in a long rope today and hung it from the door frame leading to the office.  At first I did not want to climb the rope that led to nowhere but then they tied a couple things at the top of the rope and presto a new game was invented.  My baby doll is one of the things they hung; it is sort of creepy because the baby is tied by her neck and it looks like she has really been hanged!  

Corn flakes “They’re Grrreat!”

Love Skeeter 
