This morning while we were taking our walk Steve decided to take a detour and walk down past the lumber yard that is making the benches for the churches; he just wanted to see if they had started working on the benches yet.  We are not in a rush for the benches because Steve still has one that he can use to give to the church that we visit on Sunday; he was just curious as to how they were coming along.  Much to our surprise the carpenter had all 10 of the benches made!  How wonderful!  In fact he said that he finished them yesterday and that he had come out to the mission house to tell us they were ready to be picked up but he said that we were not around.  We had gone to town yesterday afternoon.  The benches looked good and they appeared to be strong.  Steve is well pleased with the benches.  The bench seats were a little rougher than Steve wanted them so he spent part of the morning planning off the rough edges; he does not want anyone to get a splinter or snag their Sunday go to meeting clothes.

Steve went back to the electric company and they reentered the pre-paid card.  It seems that there is little or nothing that they can do about the electricity fluctuating.  He said that the meters are set so that they go off when the electricity goes too low.  The electricity fluctuates up and down all day and night.  Many times we have to run the generator when it is too low because we don’t want to have to replace the appliances.  It is very annoying to say the least.  

Steve had to go back to town this afternoon to get us a pineapple for supper.   I made chicken curry and it is at its best if we have fresh fruit and roasted peanuts sprinkled on the curry.  He looked for hybrid mangos but did not find any so I peeled and cut up some from the mango tree in the front yard.  I had to peel 8 in order to get enough for supper.   

Steve talked to Timothy this afternoon.  There has been a hick-up in the block making process at Kulkpeni.  The man that Timothy contracted to make the blocks was going to use the block making press which he used yesterday but today when the other men came to help him they said they would not make the blocks for the price that was agreed upon.  Timothy had to move to “Plan B”.  He hired some men to make the blocks with the traditional block makers.  He said that 3 men worked today but they only had one shovel between them.  Really!  You are masons and you have no tools.  We are going to send 2 shovels to them tomorrow with Tichak, the night watchman.  He lives in Kulkpeni and is a church member.  He is also going to take them additional money for cement.

Thank you for all you do!

In HIS Service,

Steve and Kandie

Skeeter’s Monkey Business

The parents are trying to keep me entertained.  Let me rephrase that, “the parents are trying to keep me entertained without getting myself into trouble.   I can find tons of stuff to keep myself entertained but they don’t approve of most of the stuff I do.  This afternoon Dad strung rope back and forth across the room.   They think that I am going to get on the rope and climb around.   I have news for them!  That rope is unstable and if we aren’t careful someone is going to fall off and get hurt.  I would much rather play with the keys on the computer and fight with the computer’s mouse!  I do love to climb on the curtains and today I figured out how to climb up the floor lamp.  It makes a nice place to sit; I can see the whole room from up there. 

I have a lump, bump, cyst, tumor or something on my back that is worrying Mom and Dad.  I heard Mom say something about having the vet check it out.  Please!  Save me from that vet!   I have no confidence in that vet!  They took me there to get a rabies shot!  He didn’t even know what kind of monkey I am!  His assistant gave me the shot; it is supposed to be given under the skin and the guy pushed the needle all the way through my skin and the medicine was coming out of the hole on the other side of my back!  Now do you really think they will know what the bump on my back is from?  If I was guessing it is from the bad shot that they gave me the last time we went there.  Now, on the other hand, the liquid worm medicine they gave me was not half bad!  

I have started eating a few cornflakes;  I have pouches in my cheeks, sort of like a chipmunk; I hold the cornflake in my mouth until it becomes soft enough to eat.

I have to go; it is suppertime!

Love Skeeter
