On our way to the carvers’ village this morning we stopped at the botanical gardens in Aburi and saw the most unusual tree.  Some time ago the tree died so the local carvers decided to turn the whole tree into a carving.  They call it “The Tree of Life”.  The trunk and every branch have been fully carved.  They carved lots of people, families and every sort of animal they could think of.  The carvings are of African wild life; not only are there lions, leopards, antelopes, monkeys, giraffes, hippos and rhinos but there are also birds, crocodiles and lizards.  There is no telling how many hours of work went into carving the tree.  

We all bought something at the carving village.  I was looking for  something special that took my breath away but after looking at the “Tree of Life” the carvings paled in comparison but there is always tomorrow.  Ha!  My suitcases are not quite full yet!

This evening we had supper at a small Lebanese restaurant that is located in one of the shopping centers.  The food was excellent, especially the “Toum” which is a garlic dipping sauce.  It is a good thing that we all ate the sauce because we have to spend a good portion of the day tomorrow in the truck with each other.  You know the saying; “you had better eat some in self defense” this definitely applies to the garlic sauce!

Steve had to send mobile money to Divine, the evangelist, twice today; he is still working on the paperwork for some of the churches.  First he sent him money for his transportation to Tamale to check on the status of the paper work and then he sent him money to pay for the “change of auditors” .  He also sent Kwabena, one of the night watchmen, money to repair his bicycle.  

We called Mr. Iddrisu to check on Skeeter.  He said that he remembered to feed him and that I should not worry; God willing he would not die while I was gone!  I am not sure if that is reassuring or not!

Red is not feeling so fine; he has stomach distress!  I gave him some anti-diarrhea medicine this morning and he was feeling better but this evening he said that he was feeling poorly again.  If he does not feel better tomorrow Steve will buy some antibiotics for him.

Take care and have a great day!  We fly out tomorrow and my brother Paul flies out the next day.  Keep us in your prayers for a few more days!

In HIS Service,

Steve and Kandie
