Mr. Iddrisu burned the clutch again today.  This time Solomon the mechanic changed out the entire clutch, everything completely.  We are hopeful this will take care of the problem for a while.  The other motor king driver never showed up today; I guess his examine took longer than he expected.  

Mr. Iddrisu is not going to come to work tomorrow; two of his children are going to have a graduation ceremony.  They are in grade school.  We are going to one of the furthest congregations tomorrow; we do not expect to be back at the mission house before 3:00 in the afternoon.  We decided that since there would not be anyone here to facilitate the work we would just skip working on the wall tomorrow.  I am sure the masons and women will enjoy a day off.

The guy we have been buying cement from ran out today.  We had to pay 3 Cedis more for each of the last 14 bags we bought.  I am not happy about that.  Steve called Aminu, another guy that sells cement and he said that he would sell it to us for 2 Cedis more than we have been paying.  We are nearing the end of the wall project and should not need many more bags.

Zorash called this morning to tell us that she had made soybean kabobs.  She wanted to trade kabobs for oil.  After the kabobs are made they are fried and then they are put in a tomato sauce that has curry powder, onions, and garlic.  A lot of the time when she makes kabobs we will provide the soybeans and the Epsom’s salt and she will grind and cook the soybeans.  This time she had no oil to fry her’s in.  We usually fry our own at the mission house.  Now you know what we are having for supper; soybean kabobs and pasta salad.

Divine stopped by for a visit this afternoon and to drop off the record book for one of the churches.  He did not stay long.  He just wanted to make sure that the Church got back their book.  Steve will give it to them on class day.

The store where we buy the communion juice closed.  The old man that has run it for years and years passed away.  We thought that Emmanuel, the young man who was helping run it would be able to continue operating it but obviously that is not what the family wanted to do.  We always thought that Emmanuel was the old man’s son but he was the son of his best friend.   Emmanuel was given to the old man to raise.  Really he is the only father he knew.  We will have to look for another place to buy the juice.

Thank you for everything.

In His Service,

Steve and Kandie
