Our trip to Kakpande took about 1.5 hours this morning. The village is located south of Yendi in the Nanumba North District. It has been 2022 since we have been invited to visit.  The late time we visited this church the Covid masking mandate was still in effect.  

We picked up some hitchhikers along the way. One of the men was a church member from Mempeasam which is a village adjacent to Kakpande.  He recognized the old pickup as we were passing.  

We were happy to see the church building nicely painted inside and out. It is not a large building but quite adequate for this assembly. I was asked to speak about living the Christian life.  The congregation was very happy to have us visit. They enjoyed the gifts we gave to them; bench, broom, bible, pad & pen, chalk, bread, and juice. 

We noticed a strange bottle with a label that said it was communion juice.When we looked at the label we found it wasn’t pure grape juice.  I explained to the church about the need for straight grape juice on the label and I bought back the two bottles the Church had purchased so they didn’t have a loss. 

After services one of the church leaders asked us to help to put an apron around the foundation of the building to help fight erosion and protect the building. They had done so well on their building we were happy to help with money for some bags of cement. 

We visited the old chief of the village. The poor old man is blind due to cataracts. It makes these old people very happy when we visit and give kola to them. 

Several ladies cooked for us today. They prepared TZ which is a corn mush and the soup was made with smoked fish. The smoky favor of the fish was quite overwhelming so Kandie ate some of the fish and I ate her share of the TZ. 

Before we left the brothers gave us a nice guinea fowl as a going away gift. I know Timothy’s family will enjoy that bird! The ladies gave Kandie two small bags of shelled peanuts and a small bag of dried hot peppers. How Nice!

When we got back to Yendi we stopped at the hospital to pick up the prescription for Adamu , the malnourished little girl . It took an hour to get things sorted out because the little girl needed lab work and a blood transfusion. For some reason the great-aunt caring for the girl took her back to the house against doctor’s orders yesterday but came back today. I hope Zorash can find out something tomorrow and fill us in. Everyone involved is very frustrated with this whole deal. 

The class I taught at Kulkpeni tonight went over an hour. We are doing topical studies and tonight’s subject was singing in the worship or “Why the Church of Christ does not Drum”.  

That’s it for today. I wish all the mothers a happy Mother’s Day!

May God bless!  

In His service,

Stephen and Kandie Taylor 

Email directly : taylorsinghana@gmail.com      
website: www.ghanamissionfund.org
