We were back in Tamale again today! We went to check on our criminal background check. We were disappointed that it was not ready to be picked up. The guys who filled out the paperwork for us a couple weeks ago were not in the office. The new officer said that the reports had come back in but that the big man had not signed them yet. We went back later in the afternoon to check to see if the boss had come in but he was still not around. Shortly after we got back to Yendi the police department called and said that the report was signed and ready for pickup. Please! By that time it was almost 5:00 and there was no way we could get to Tamale before the main officers went home for the day. They told us to come on Monday morning around 8:00.
While we were in Tamale we stopped by the Registrar General’s office and he was in the process of making the changes to the documents. He promised we would have the documents by next week. We will see!
We picked up a wheelchair this afternoon for the little boy that has no use of his legs. We are not sure that he will be able to stay in the chair. He has limited use of his hands too. We may have to get a long scarf to use like a seat belt to keep him in the chair. It would be terrible for him to slip out of the chair and hurt himself! We will try and get the chair delivered tomorrow. We could not find a child’s wheelchair.
We try to go to the bank as soon as it is open but today we did not get there until around 10:00. The bank was covered up with people; there were no seats to sit in. Part of the problem was that they were having trouble with the internet; part of the time it was not working and the other part of the time it was running very slow. We were happy when our turn came and we could get out of there.
We stopped by the Social Welfare office but Ms. Hawa was not in. Sometimes she has to go to court. Hopefully she will be there on Monday so we can turn in the paperwork from the police department.
When we got back to Yendi we unloaded the truck and headed back to town. Steve went to the pharmacy and placed an order for the medicines we will need for the next couple of months, we stopped and bought a good supply of communion juice and then ordered the formula and cereal to keep the Child Center operating while we are home on leave. The formula will come in either Monday or Tuesday. The owner of the pharmacy was not in today so we are not sure when that will come in.
Thank you for your prayers. We appreciate you so much!
In His Service,Steve and Kandie