It took us 90 minutes to get to our destination this morning. We traveled northeast to Saboba and from there north 30 minutes to the village of Timbu where we worshiped with the Timbu and Bungbali joint service.
We had two additional riders with us this morning; Timothy’s son Isaac and his school mate. Both boys attend the same school at Saboba and it was time for them to return to school after a break. They decided to attend worship with us before we dropped them off at the school on our way back to Yendi.
We didn’t have to visit the chief because he was worshipping with us under the trees near the dilapidated Timbu church building. It wasn’t long after we arrived that a motorking full of people showed up from Bungbali.
I taught the bible class about visions and dreams. Brother Edward, from Bungbali, was asked to give the sermon. Timothy Niligrini interpreted for both of us.
After services were over, the men from both congregations sat down with us to discuss their building project needs. From what we can tell they are having grandiose ideas about the size of their buildings. We provided both Churches with some matching funds today so they can continue their building of cement blocks with one condition. They had to return the metal cement block molds we had allowed them to use for the past 1 ½ years. They agreed!
Before we left we were presented with some of the biggest yams I have seen in a long time as well as a guinea fowl. These yams were huge! Our trip back to Yendi after dropping off the boys was hot and uneventful. We still don’t have the dust from the Harmattan to decrease the sun’s heat and brightness.
Tonight I took out the electrical supplies that Timothy, the electrician at Kulkpeni, had requested for the rooms in preparation for the seminar next week. He also showed us the pit he had dug for the outhouse we are repairing. He did a good job.
That wraps up another Sunday for us. We wish you all a good Lord’s Day and may God bless!
In His service,
Stephen and Kandie Taylor