The shocks for the green truck came in so first thing this morning we took the truck to the mechanic to get them put on.  It should have been an easy job but when he pulled the wheels he found out that the U joint and center bearing needed to be replaced.  With the additional work we were afraid that Gomda would not get the truck finished today.  We really wanted the truck to drive to the bush tomorrow because more than half of the trip will be on rough dirt roads.  We were pleased when Steve talked to Gomda at 6:00 pmand he said that he was almost finished.   When Steve tried to drive the old van he discovered that the clutch had gone out.  Gomda said that he could work on the old van on Monday.   When we picked up the green truck the motor on the fan was not working; I guess it will have to go back to the shop on Tuesday.  We will be keeping Gomda busy next week.  Since both the green truck and the old van are out of commission we will be driving the red truck to the bush tomorrow.  If we didn’t have a spare vehicle we would be taking public transport to church on Sunday.

Steve spent part of the morning and part of the afternoon trimming the trees around the mission property.  The mango trees are suffering from fire blight again and Steve wanted to get the fire blight cut out before it got too serious.  Donkey is going to be in for a big surprise when he comes back to work next week!  The yard was a mess from 3 weeks’ worth of leaves and now it is even worse because of the tree branches.  Mr. Iddrisu is supposed to come back to work tomorrow so he will start the cleanup.

Timothy said that the men used 10 bags of cement so that means that they molded 320 blocks today.  We were worried that no one would be around tomorrow to supervise them and make sure they had the supplies that they needed; we were relieved when we found out that they do not work on Sundays.

Steve ordered the medicine that we will need next month.  He tries to order the stuff before we run out because it takes a week or so to get it after we place the order.  Mr. Hayes, the pharmacist, is good at getting whatever we need and if something is in short supply he will reorder it.  Mr. Hayes sent the bill through Whatsapp on the cell phone.  When Steve got the bill he made a special trip to town to take him the money.

Please keep us and the work in your prayers!

Have a good weekend!

In HIS Service,

Steve and Kandie

Skeeter’s Monkey Business

I know my name and when they call me sometimes I will rush over to see what they want but at other times I act like a cat, I look at them and then ignore them completely; I pretend I am deaf!  No, if they call me as they are opening a door I will bust a gut to get to them because one of my greatest fears is being left alone!  

They went to town today and bought me a ball.  This ball is two or three times bigger than me!  Really I think they could have done a better job with the ball; not only is it huge but it is a shocking pink color!  What ,did they forget that I was a boy?  I actually like the ball; it came packed in a gauze netting of some sort.  They left the netting on the ball; the netting gives me something to grab hold of.  I love to jump on the ball and kick it with my hind legs.  The ball and I have rolled off the bed a couple times. 

Mom tries to sew while I am playing around.  Did you know that she has this magnetic pin cushion that holds all the pins?  The pins have such colorful heads; I can’t resist.  Mom thought that she was cleverer than I was and she turned a small plastic basket upside down over the pins.  It only took me a couple days to figure out how to tip the basket over and reach my hand under to get a pin.  Once I get the pin the chase is on!  Both Mom and Dad chase me all over the room trying to get the pin away from me!  It is a great game!

I can’t wait to see what new games we will play tomorrow!

Love Skeeter
