Steve and I had fun today.  We picked up 3 buckets of mangoes but the ladies did not work today because Friday is one of their days off so we had no one to share the mangoes with.  We decided to drive through Yendi and pass them out to all the little kids that we saw on our way.  We made 3 trips to town today and we passed out all the mangoes we had picked up.  We feel sorry for the kids during the month long fast because even though kids are not required to fast their parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles and caregivers are fasting so most of the time they do not get much to eat during the daylight hours.  Oh!  The kids were happy with their treat!  It was sort of like “Trick or Treat”.  

The first trip to town this morning was back to the GRA tax office.  We tried all day yesterday to file the employees’ annual returns but the internet was down or overloaded or broken or something.  Finally at 11:00 last night we were able to get online.  It took us quite a while to file everyone’s returns.  We finished at 1:30 in the wee hours of this morning.  We had a very hard time getting Kwabena, the new night watchman’s account set up because he has a terrible cell phone that has been used and abused.  The numbers were worn off the buttons and we had no idea how to use his phone and neither did he.  His SIM card was too full to receive any more messages; we had to have a little bit of space so we could receive the text with the one time  passcode.  I deleted several non essential messages and gave us enough space to receive the code.  We were finally successful in getting his account but we still had a couple questions about how to fill out his form because he only worked for 4 months last year.

Donkey’s wife has high blood pressure and she is supposed to take her medicine every day.  She was feeling awful and come to find out she had run out of the medicine some time ago and did not have the money for the refill.  She did not tell Donkey that she was without medicine or he would have gotten it refilled for her.  Many times we help the workers with their medical expenses.  Donkey left work, went to the pharmacy and got the medicine.  Maybe she will feel better once the medicine gets into her system.

Red brought the 4 children from his third wife to the mission house this morning.  With his third wife he has a set of twin boys that are 2 ½ years and 2 girls that are 9 and 11 years.  If you count all of Red’s wives and all the children he has 12 children.  His older children are grown and in college.  Red said that if he does not have children people will say that he is not a man!  Really?  Twelve children prove nothing!  

We found out that the international internet network cable that is in the ocean has been compromised so many African countries are without international connections.  Ghana is one of the countries that have been affected.  If it takes a while to get the Yendi Notes you will know why.

Enjoy your day.

In HIS Service,

Steve and Kandie  
