We made the two hour trip today to visit the congregation of Mulipido where Daniel Batoln lives. Daniel is an evangelist that has been working with us for many years. The village is between nowhere and someplace.  It is really out in the middle of the bush. They are 30 minutes from the sizable towns of Saboba and Chereponi.  

When we arrived the congregation had already begun singing.   We quickly unloaded what we had brought to the Church and sat down in our appointed seats. I was glad to see we were sitting outside under the tree because there was a good breeze blowing that made it more comfortable.  

I taught a lesson from Mark chapter 4 about The Sower and the four different soils.  Everyone around here understands planting seeds just like the people did in Jesus time. There were 12 men and 18 women present.  Eighty-one children attended as well. The kids behaved themselves very well considering the number of them.  

After services we had the question and answer period. When that period was over I taught the adults about Family Planning/Child Spacing. The audience was very interested in the subject matter.  It amazes me how little of this information is taught in Ghana and how many false stories are spread as truth among the people. 

When that class was over we drove over to the chief’s house and said hi.  One thing the chief asked us to do was to pray for rain. We told him we had already done that during the prayer request time during services. That made him happy!

After leaving the chief’s house we went to Elijah’s house for some Fufu and pepper stew.  Elijah is one of the church leaders that attends the monthly class we sponsor.  It was really good! Elijah’s wife was pleased to get the complement about the food she had prepared. While we were eating Elijah told us he had arrived at the church building just a few minutes before we did. His son had been discharged from the hospital for some ailment. 

We went back to Yendi by the way of Saboba.  Elijah said the road was better than the way we came. We dropped off his daughter at school in Saboba.  This way isn’t shorter but the main road is better. 

Tonight at Kulkpeni we continued teaching the children to say the books of the New Testament. They are eager to learn and eager to get the lollipop after services if they recite the books we went over.  

That wraps up another Lord’s Day. God bless!

In His service,

Stephen and Kandie Taylor 
