After Steve attended his Continuing Education class at the hospital this morning he stopped by to check on Adamu, the severely malnourished little girl.  He was surprised and annoyed that the great aunt that we paid to take care of Adamu at the hospital had once again left the hospital without the doctor’s permission.  Right now Adamu has an IV in her little hand in case they need to give her more blood or IV fluids.  The aunt went back to the family house and spent the night again.  The nurses and nutritional staff were so annoyed!  Her only excuse is that she went to take a bath.  The hospital provides water; even hot water for the children and the caregivers and a bath house so that is not the real reason she went back to the family house.  We told the nurses that we suspect that she is taking Adamu back home so that they can do the traditional treatments on her which usually includes enemas.  The nursing supervisor said that he talked to Adamu’s father and that he agreed to allow her mother to come to the hospital and take care of the child.  Her mother is presently in Kumasi.  The supervisor said he also talked to the mother and that she is willing to come back to Yendi and take care of the child if the father will agree to allow her to come.  Excuse me, if that was my child wild horses could not keep me away!  The mother said that she will pack her things and head for Yendi tomorrow or the next day.  You know that Adamu is homesick to see her mother!  No matter how children are treated they still love their mother!  Adamu is about 1 year 7 months and she was probably still breastfeeding when the mother dropped her at the grandmother’s house.  The nurses said that they were not telling the great aunt that the mother was coming back because she said she wants the money for staying with the child.  Well, if you wanted the money very much you would not keep leaving the hospital!  We are praying the mother will come and things will work out for Adamu.

Steve is outside putting a floor in Skeeter’s sleeping box.  We hope the wooden floor will keep him up off the metal and make it feel a little cooler in the house.  Our high temperature today was 106 degrees.  Maybe we will get rain.

This morning the father of the intersex child had someone bring the metal water container to the mission house.  We in turn sent the father all the money he needed for the surgery.  The surgery was supposed to be today but we have not heard how things went yet.  The father is supposed to call Zorash and let her know how things went.  Hopefully all is well.  

Please keep praying for our friend Mike M and his family.  Mike is out of intensive care and in a regular room.  

In HIS Service,

Steve and Kandie

Skeeter’s Monkey Business

Today was the day for male bonding between me and Dad.  Dad and I built a floor for my sleeping quarters.  Just between me and you; I was the brains of the operation.  I supervised every step of the project.  I sat on Dad’s shoulders and hung onto his hair so that I could get a good look at what was going on and make sure that it met my specific needs!  The floor looks good and I am very pleased with the way it turned out!  

We were hot and exhausted when we finished the building project.  Dad’s shirt was ringing wet with sweat and I was hot and tired.  It is hard work hanging onto someone’s head when they keep bending down!  Dad took me inside and we shared a Sprite.  Have you ever had a fizzy drink?  Those bubbles went straight up my nose!  Dad put my Sprite in the cap of the bottle; it was just the right size for me because I am just a little feller.  I would take a lick of the Sprite; the bubbles would go up my nose and I would stomp my feet!  But that did not keep me from going back for another sip even though it got me every time!

Did you know that there is a surprise inside a mechanical pencil?  Well there is!  I discovered that if I work really hard I can pull out the eraser and then little sticks of lead fall out!  Mom says the lead is not good for me; luckily for her those little pieces of lead are very difficult to pick up off the floor.

If you need help building anything just call – 1-800-SKEETER

Love Skeeter
