We wanted to leave Tamale in time to open the Child Center this morning.  We left on time but the closer we got to Yendi the more it looked like rain.  By the time we got into Yendi the wind was blowing and it had begun to sprinkle.  Steve had to drive slower than usual because the people were running and darting all over the place trying to beat the rain!  By the time we got to the mission house the bottom had fallen out and it was raining heavily.  We knew that whoever got out and unlocked the gate would get drenched so we sat in the lane for about an hour to wait for the rain to let up.  When it slacked off Steve made a dash for the gate.  He pulled the truck as close to the house as possible.  We stayed in the house until the rain turned to a drizzle and then Steve turned the truck around and backed it up on the veranda so he could unload the English Bibles that we bought yesterday in Tamale.  The truck has a cab on it but it is not waterproof.  The bottom of the Bible boxes  were  wet.  Fortunately the Bibles were wrapped in plastic so none of them got wet.  We still cannot get the Konkomba Bibles but there are some Christians that can read English.

This afternoon Red came by to collect the rest of the money for the gravel he dumped at Kulkpeni.  When the dry season gets here we will help the church at Kulkpeni build another 4 room building to use for the seminar.  We are planning on having the seminar again this year.  Please pray that the Covid numbers remain low and that the government does not impose any restrictions that would hinder the seminar.

While Red was here we contracted with him to make some metal gates for the pavilion we are planning on making on the back end of the mission property.  He needed some extra money and we would rather hire him to do work than loan him money.  We are not sure when we will actually get around to building the pavilion but we are working on the plans.

Mr. Iddrisu got good news.  The team of eye doctors will be in Yendi next week and he is on the schedule for Wednesday to have his worst cataract removed.  When he had his eye exam the doctor told him that he had almost zero vision out of one of his eyes and he could only see a little bit out of the other one.  He will eventually have both eyes done.  He should not be driving his motorcycle but he still does.  Nazo said that he rode with him one day and he was “TOO” scared!  He does not like to work at the Child Center because he cannot read the scale or the recording.

Thank you for all of those that give us money to buy Bibles.

In His Service,

Steve and Kandie 
