We left our house in the states at 4:15 Friday morning the 16th.  Since we had to leave so early we declined the boys’ offer to drive us to the airport.  Instead we left the van in the parking garage at the airport.  Aaron and Melissa picked it up later in the day.  This time we bought a different type of airline ticket in hopes that we would be allowed to take more luggage but our plan was foiled.  We packed 2 extra suitcases that we marked “NO GO!” just in case we were allowed to take them.  We put them back in the van and sent them back home.  We will carry them in next time; at least they are packed and weighed.

We were in JFK on the plane headed for Accra when the pilot came over the loudspeaker and said we had to return to the gate to take care of some passenger problems.  Fortunately we had not left the gate.  We sat at the gate for a couple hours before we finally took off.  The pilot never told us what the problem was but he came on a few times with updates.  First he said that a couple passengers were disembarking, later he said that since the passengers were not traveling with us they had to sift through the luggage and find the bags that belonged to the passengers.  Shortly before we took off he made the announcement that with the delay we did not have enough fuel so we were waiting for the tankers to come and refuel us.  The pilot was able to make up some of the time and we ended up only being about 90 minutes late getting into Accra.  We went through customs with no problem.  Bismarck, the guy that normally drives us, had gone to Canada for a visit but he is very good to us and even in his absence he organized a couple other drivers to take us to the hotel Saturday morning and then to pick us up this morning and take us back to the airport.  It is nice to have friends in high places! 

We didn’t do much on Saturday.  We exchanged money and got something to eat.  We were bushed; well, Steve was bushed.  I personally could have done with a little bit of shopping.  Ha!  We did stop at a grocery store to buy some Lebanese flat bread and Tahina paste (sesame seed paste).  We had a wonderful “lupper” (the meal between lunch and supper) at a Chinese restaurant.  We went back to the hotel and Steve crashed.  He slept for hours and then slept all night.

This morning we were at the airport at 8:00.  When we went through the TSA checkpoint Steve was pulled aside because they saw something strange in his carry on.  It really wasn’t all that strange; it was the money we had changed.  They took him to a side room and had him open his carry-on  so they could see the money. 

Red was waiting for us when we arrived in Tamale.  He checked the van yesterday to make sure that it was running well.  When we passed through Tamale we wanted to buy vegetables but because it was Sunday the vendors were not open.  We bought some fried chicken for lunch, fueled up the van and headed to Yendi.  We got here about 3:00 this afternoon. 

Divine stopped by to see us this afternoon and to pick up an advance on the pigs we will buy from him for the seminar.

We worshipped with Kulkpeni this evening; they were happy that we had returned to Ghana. 

Skeeter the monkey was happy that we had come back too.  I thought he might not remember us but it only took him a few minutes to realize who we were!

In His service,

Stephen and Kandie Taylor

The Monkey Shines

Oh!  What a happy day!!!  My parents finally came home!!  I had about given up on them ever returning.  I had about decided that Mr. Iddrisu and Nazo were going to be the only adults in my life!  I just want you to know that I never really gave up all hope of their coming back.  I was mostly just worried and anxious!  You know how us little kids worry about things!

Mom and Dad surprised me!  It took me a couple minutes to figure out that it was really them and that they were really back.  I was hesitant to come out of the cage by myself just in case they were a figment of my imagination but when Dad stuck his arm in the cage I grabbed on and hung on for dear life!

Mom kept asking, “Do you remember us?  Do you know who we are?”  What, has the woman lost her mind?  I doubt that there is anyone that has met her that could forget her even if they tried! 

The next thing I heard was, “You stink!  You need a bath!”  What am I now going to be tortured after spending the past 2 months in solitary confinement?  Life is not fair!  I think I will go on strike!  Mom relented and said that she would put off the bath until tomorrow; that was a relief!

I just could not get enough of Mom and Dad!  I just jumped from one to the other; of course every time I landed on one of them I had to snuggle up next to their neck and give them a little bite.  I show affection by making little clicking noises and tiny bites.  Anyway that is the way the parents explain away my behavior.  If the truth be known I am punishing them for leaving me alone so long!

Our reunion was short lived!  Before I knew it the clock said it was 6:00 and it was time for them to go to Bible study.  I have never figured out why I can’t be left out in the house while they go to Bible study!  I promise to behave myself and to stay out of trouble!  Dad had to put me back in the cage which was traumatizing!  The upside is that when they got back to the mission house they released me from my cage again and I got to enjoy a late night snack of popcorn!  What a treat!  I jumped and ran around like a crazy man!  I was exhausted by bedtime.  I tried to fall asleep on Dad’s neck.  

Thank you for sending my Mom and Dad back to me!

Love, Skitter 
