The old van is back in the shop; Gomda fixed the clutch but now it does not have 5th gear; mind you we very seldom are on roads that are good enough to use 5th gear but we should have the option if we need it!  Ha!  He had to order something from Tamale; if the part does not come in he will have to keep the van overnight.

The block makers at Kulkpeni did not work yesterday or today; we really need them to work so that we do not have to rent the water containers one day longer than necessary.  Timothy is hopeful that they will work tomorrow.  

The very small baby severely malnourished child has not come back to be weighed yet.  We made sure that the family knew when the Child Center would be reopened after everyone’s holiday.  We really expected to see them yesterday and then they were a no show again today.  If they do not come tomorrow we are going to have to pay them another home visit because we are pretty sure that by now the child will be out of food.

Steve had to work on the transfer pump this afternoon.  It has not been used since October of last year and the impeller had locked up.  Steve got it unfrozen, greased and he pumped up the 2 lower poly tanks.  He put the chlorine in the first tank but still has to treat the second tank. 

Amama was late for work this morning because she had a funeral that she had to attend before she came to work.  At least she told us that she was going to be late.

Zorash felt terrible yesterday, she has a broken / rotten tooth.  She has not been sleeping.  We tried to get her to go to the dentist and let them remove it but she said that she was afraid to go to the dentist so she was just removing the tooth herself.  She said that she is wiggling out the pieces bit by bit.  She said that it was very painful.  We did convince her to start taking antibiotics.  You know it has to be infected.  I am telling you these people have such a high threshold for pain!  She is not even taking anything for pain.

Steve talked to Gomda and it is getting late so we decided to let Gomda take the van to his house and we would pick it up tomorrow morning.  That will give him a chance to try it out to make sure everything is working the way it should be working.

Amama was disappointed that she only got a few mangoes today.  In a few days there will be no mangoes left.  There can be no complaints about the amount of mangoes the trees produced this year!

Have a great day!

In HIS Service,

Steve and Kandie 

Skeeter’s Monkey Business

I have yet to figure out what is going on with these doors and the thresholds!  The outside doors and the bedroom door all have thresholds.  I just can’t bring myself to walk over the thresholds.   I have to sit on the outside and gather my courage; once I am ready and not a moment before I take a leap and jump over the threshold.  I am always happy when I am safely on the other side!

I am so happy that Mom saved me some of those freshwater oysters.  I enjoyed another one today.  Mom only gave me one today because she said she was afraid that it would give me the runny stomach.

I figured out another game that is great fun but it aggravates Mom.  When she sews, she uses paper templates for her quilts.  I love to jump on the sewing table, grab a piece of paper ,and run off.  Sometimes she is quicker than I am and grabs me before I can jump away.  I love paper; I love to tear up the paper and chew on it.  Mom tries to give me my own paper to play with but it is not as much fun as the grab and run game we have going on!

This morning Amama scared me to death!  I screamed like someone was killing me.  She came walking in the back door with a huge blue garbage can; I thought I was a goner!  I think Amama was as scared as I was!

Talk to you tomorrow! 

Love Skeeter 
