We spent a good portion of the morning getting the truck loaded for our trip to visit the churches in Nana Bekum’s area up near Chereponi.   There are 6 small congregations in this area; they speak a different language than Timothy speaks so Nana will be the interpreter for the entire service.  Nana has a son that is in his early 20 that we hope will take an interest in helping the churches.  We loaded the green truck with 6 of the metal communion tables we had Red make for the churches.  It was a chore getting them loaded but they are on the truck and tied down; the tail gate had to stay open.  Steve tried to dust the table; I told him he was fighting a losing battle because we have 3 hours of dirt road ahead of us tomorrow.  He said that he at least wanted to knock the spiders and cobwebs off of them.  While we were loading I moved the truck and caught the front mud flap thing on the corner of the garage door and knocked it loose.  When we finished loading we had to reattach it.  Luckily, we were under the mango tree and out of the sun or we would have been more than miserable.  The high temperature today was 114 degrees with a heat index of 118 degrees.

We went to town this morning to buy plastic containers to store large items in and to buy fuel for the truck for our trip tomorrow and to buy diesel for the generator.  We had to run it all night Thursday night because the electricity was so bad; this time it was going very low.  We continue to be thankful for the generator.  When we got to town we realized that today was Yendi’s big market day.  We really did not need anything except carrots but we found cucumbers and fresh okra.

Red finished the corn roaster!  It works like a charm; when he brought it this afternoon we loaded it with 100 pounds of corn and the motor had no problem pulling the load; it moved at a very slow rate.  Red also added wheels to the front and wheelbarrow handles to the back so that it can be moved from place to place; the thing is a beast!  The tray/drawer that he made worked great.  He also finished and delivered the door and windows for Yawondo church.  We will call them next week and have them come to the mission house to pick them up.  They looked very nice.  Red said that he also had the shelving unit finished and painted.  We told him that we wanted the paint to dry overnight before he delivered it.  I can’t stand the smell of that oil paint and I want to give it a chance to dry completely so it does not stink up the house.

Donkey’s neighbor had a baby a couple days ago and tomorrow is the naming ceremony.  One of the perks of working for the Child Center is that when new babies are born we give them baby clothes, baby soap and powder to take to the new mothers.  It makes for good relations between the Child Center and the community.

Take care and enjoy your weekend!

In HIS Service,

Steve and Kandie
