Red was in and out of the compound several times today; he is still working on my brother’s truck.  Today he changed the belts; they were not available in Yendi so he had to send a message to Tamale and have them sent over.  I am not sure whether or not they have been put on but they have been paid for.   

Mr. Iddrisu was able to get his eye surgery done on Tuesday instead of Wednesday so he is back in Yendi and the doctors are going to come to Yendi to do more eye surgeries so he can get his follow up check done here in Yendi.  That will save at least one trip to and from Tamale.  When Steve talked to him today he said that he does not really want to get glasses; Steve explained that just because they remove the cataracts it does not mean he will not still have to have glasses.  The eye doctor in Tamale said that he only had limited vision out of the eye that they operated on last time which can be corrected with glasses.  I don’t get someone not wanting to be able to see well.

Zorash had a meeting in Tamale today so we were short-handed in the Child Center.  Fortunately it was a slow day because about the time we were to open the Center a big black thunder storm appeared.  Mothers do not bring their children out in bad weather!

The storm did not amount to anything but about 4:30 another storm appeared and we got some rain from that one.  It is still sprinkling.  At least maybe the ladies that live in this area were able to catch enough rain water to last a few days.

We have decided to enlarge Skeeter’s monkey cage.  The cage is rather small but it is good enough for him to stay in for short amounts of time but I think it is too small to have to stay in for the 2 months we will be in the states on leave.  I don’t think he will have enough room to actually get any exercise and we have decided that we do not want the workers to let him out of the cage while we are gone because we are afraid they will not be able to catch him.  Red is going to start working on the monkey cage addition when he finishes working on the truck.

We have not heard anything from Adamu or her aunt today; no news is good news.  Zorash is actually their contact person and she is out of pocket today.  Hopefully Adamu’s mother will arrive tomorrow.

Thank you for all you do for us and for the work.

In HIS Service,

Steve and Kandie

Skeeter’s Monkey Business

While it was sprinkling this morning Donkey did not have anything to do because he could not rake leaves so he sat on the veranda.  Mom brought me and my bottle out to the veranda and sat down beside Donkey.  I reluctantly drank part of the bottle.  I even climb up on Donkey a time or two.  I love being outside!  When Mom decided that it was time to go in I gave her a merry chase because I did not want to go inside.  She even tried the trick of pretending she was going inside and closing the screen door but I was not falling for that old trick!  I am too smart for that; I could see her peeking through the door and I knew I was in no danger of being left.  I am quick and she never caught me but I forgot to watch out for Donkey!  When I was not looking he reached out and grabbed my leg; that about scared me to death!  I was so happy when Mom came to my rescue!  I climbed up on her and hung on for dear life!

They have given me a new food to eat; anyway they say that it is food but I doubt it.  It is a small fruit about the size of Mom’s thumbnail.  It is brown and very fuzzy!  If you crack off the outer shell there is a peach colored flesh inside that surrounds a seed so hard that I cannot even crack it.  Mom said that I am supposed to eat the flesh but it tastes rather strange.  Mom says that it tastes like an orange flavored Johnson’s baby aspirin.  Really, how am I supposed to know what that tastes like, much less like the flavor?  Next time it is offered to me I will try it but probably reject it again!  Speaking of strange food; I found a caterpillar.  I was about to pounce on it when Mom stepped on it and squished it; she said that she thinks some caterpillars are poisonous and that she did not like the look of this one because it has spines.  

Let’s play catch the monkey!

Love Skeeter
