Adamu’s mother is balking about coming back to Yendi and sitting at the hospital with Adamu!  We are beyond exasperated with this situation.  The mother now says that she will only come back to Yendi if her husband, Adamu’s father, pays for her transportation from Kumasi back to Yendi.  The nutritional officer is the one that talked to the mother.  Steve told the nutritional officer that he would pay for the transportation.  The officers said that we were not going to give the mother any money until we saw her in Yendi because she might take the money and run.  Maybe getting the mother to come back is not the best thing for Adamu; maybe she is an unfit mother.  There is something more going on than we can see.  There is a reason the mother first wanted the husband to invite her to come care for the child and now she insists that the father send her the transport money.  We are wondering if this is a way for the mother to worm herself back into the family unit after her husband kicked her out.  Meanwhile the aunt that is at the hospital with Adamu is not aware that we are trying to get the mother to come home.

Steve talked to Mr. Iddrisu this morning; he said that his eye seems to be doing fine.  Steve hated to bother him but we could not find the file for the employees SSNIT (Social Security) contributions.  We hunted the house over and also Mr. Iddrisu’s office.  When we called him he said that it should be in his office unless we had taken it into the house for some reason.  It is a wonder we found it because it was miss labeled.  The ringed binder/file was labeled SSNIT 2015 to 2019.  In our desperation to find it we opened the file and found out that it was actually SSNIT contributions for 2015 to this month.  We immediately relabeled the file so there will not be any confusion in the future.  I am sure if Mr. Iddrisu had been here he could have easily found the file.

This afternoon Steve made a loft in Skeeter’s sleeping box that is in his cage.  This will give him an additional place to hide and he will feel nice and secure.  His cage is coming right along.  Steve is going to paint the roof and the sleeping box white to make the cage a little cooler.

Steve also gave the bushes a haircut.  They look much nicer.  He usually cuts them twice a year; once when the rains have started and then again about a month before we expect the rains to stop.  The bush trimming always makes more work for Donkey; he is the one that hauls the debris away and he cuts the leaves off the branches to take to his wife for firewood.  

Enjoy your day!

In HIS Service,

Steve and Kandie

Skeeter’s Monkey Business

The past 4 nights when mom gets in the shower I jump on her shoulder and just hang out there.  Last night she told me that if I get on her back she is going to turn around and get me wet.  Sure enough as soon as I jumped on her shoulder she turned around and I got wet.  It did not take me long to jump off and find something else to occupy my time!  She did not even bother to give me a towel!

Mom wonders why I do not like to take a bath in the kitchen sink but I will drink out of the bathroom sink and mess around in that water and then I jumped on her back while she was in the shower.  Well, yesterday while she was washing the dishes she got her feet wet.  The sink is not well grounded and every time she touched the metal faucet she got a little shock.  It dawned on her that I might be getting shocked while she is giving me a bath because in my efforts to get a way I always hold onto the faucet and I am fully wet.  I have no voice and there is no way I can say I am getting shocked!  I don’t have a mental illness which needs to be treated with shock therapy but I might after all these baths I have to get.  She said that tomorrow she is going to give me a bath somewhere besides in the kitchen sink. 

It was a shocking experience!

Love Skeeter 
