Abduli-Gnu, the young man that is getting his artificial leg, was discharged from the orthopedic center today. He called Zorash and told her that he had been discharged but that he did not have the money for the bus fare to come back to Yendi. The orthopedic center is in Nsawam which is down in the southern part of Ghana near the Accra area. Thanks to our generous donors we were able to send him the money he needs to get home. He sent Zorash a picture of himself wearing long trousers; he was particularly proud of his new tennis shoes. It must be nice to wear a pair of shoes instead of just one shoe! He will be home either tomorrow or the next day depending upon the bus schedule.
Last week when we went to buy flour I spied a very small mortar and pestle at the bread kneading shop. The guys that run the shop have a huge industrial mixer and kneading machine. The bread bakers bring their ingredients to the shop and the men mix and knead the bread for them. They also sell 200 pound bags of flour as well as small portions of flour. When I told the guy that runs the shop that I “needed” the small wooden mortar he laughed and said to come back on market day. Today was market day. Steve said that he figured the man thought that I would forget about the mortar. When we went to the shop this morning the man tried to tell me where I could buy one. I did not want a new one; I like the old things that are worn smooth! We could not figure out where he was trying to tell us to go so we called Zorash. She was not busy so she went with us to the bread shop. The guy said he did not want to sell his because the women use it to grind pepper, nutmeg, ginger and other spices when they mix the bread but he would trade the old one for a new one. We ended up buying 2, one to exchange with the bread man and the other to exchange for the one Zorash is using at her house. We also bought a couple of pestles because I wanted the old pestles too. I was happy with our purchases.
Mr. Oldman, our neighbor, stopped by the house for a visit this morning. He brought his youngest daughter with him. He said that she had been worrying him about coming for a visit and this was the 3rd time they had stopped by. His little girl is almost 4 years old and she is rather afraid of us. We gave her some suckers and just before they left she told her dad to tell us that her baby doll got lost. Last time she came to visit we gave her a baby doll. She remembered where she had gotten it from. My sister Cathy keeps us supplied with baby dolls just for such occasions. Hafsah was happy when she left. We also sent some matchbox cars for her older brother. Hafsah tried to claim the cars too. Children are the same the world around!
Have a great day!
In His Service,
Steve and Kandie