Meri, one of the interpreters for the Child Center brought me a bag of fabric scraps. They came from the seamstress that makes her clothes. Meri asked her if she would save them for me. I sent a little money back to the lady that saved me the scraps. We want to keep them coming. The scraps were very nice but they were dirty and dusty so they had to be washed. I usually wash the fabric scraps because the fabric is saturated with dye. I would hate to have the fabric bleed after the quilt top was made. Zorash came to work today to make up for the day off she took earlier this week. The Child Center is not open on Friday so I had her start ironing the fabric scraps.
Steve spent a good portion of the day working on the booklet for the monthly class. He is writing about the role of men and women in the Church as well as in the home. He has it compiled and it is now ready for the final edit. He plans on teaching the lessons at the monthly classes; it will take a while to cover all the material; it will make for enjoyable classes.
Boat, the refrigerator repair man called last night to let us know that he had fixed the freezer. He said that we could come and pick it up but I did not want to get it last night. I wanted him to keep it overnight and put bagged water in it to make sure that it was actually freezing. Steve went and picked it up this morning. Boat added a small auxiliary fan to the back of the freezer; he said it will help it cool better. The bags of water were slushy and trying to freeze.
Red stopped by this morning to get some more money for metal pipe. He is making extensions for the grates along the wall that allow the water to flow through the field. Without the grates the water would back up like a dam and knock down the wall. The price of everything is skyrocketing because of the increase in the cost of fuel. The costs of the pipes have gone up 5 Cedis each in the last 3 weeks. When fuel goes up everything goes up!
Thank you for the love, prayers and support. We appreciate all you do for us and for the work!
In His Service,
Steve and Kandie