Well, we started another project!  “I had an idea!”  It is sort of like that story “If You Give a Moose a Muffin”.  If you give a moose a muffin he will ask for a glass of milk and a plate and on and on the story goes.  Well, I wanted a large storage unit for the storeroom.  I got the storage unit then I needed a metal box to hold the long handled tools and then we decided that we needed to remove the triple doors and block the hole up with cement blocks.  Dawda, the mason, came today to look at the job; he is going to start it on Thursday.  There is a side door that has been covered over and locked for at least 18 years; since we are getting rid of the triple doors which were also boarded up I decided we needed to open the side door just in case there was a fire or the need to get out of our room another way.  We found the key to the door but it would not work so Steve manhandled it until he got it loose.  Then we had to have a new lock and then I wanted to be able to see out of the door so we had to cut a hole in the plywood that covered the door.  Then the door was sagging so much that it was dragging the ground.  Steve trimmed off what he could and then he put on a cross buck and pulled the sag out of the door.  He is in the process of putting in the new lock and of course we “needed” door handles!  The door and frame need a coat of paint.  Ha!  On and on it goes!

Zorash had to go to a meeting in Tamale today so we were short-handed in the Center.  Mr. Iddrisu helped us.  He has a difficult time reading the scale and weighing the babies so we put him on new card duty.  We have no idea how to spell some of the babies’ names but he does.  It was hot again today; the high temperature was 114 degrees again today.  There are ceiling fans at the Child Center but no air conditioning.  I told Steve that the fans felt like I was standing in front of a furnace.  

When Dawda, the mason, came to the mission house he told us we had set our rat trap all wrong.  The thing is so strong that it won’t even trip if you drop an empty coke can on it.  He said there was a way to set it softly so it will catch something small.  These rats are not small!  Something ate off the food I put on the trap and it never tripped.  I told him I wanted a lighter weight trap but he said they do not make smaller ones.  Dawda moved the trap and reset it for us.  We will see if we catch anything.  He thinks it is terribly funny that we want to catch the rats.  Personally I just want to poison them but Nazo, Mr. Iddrisu and Dawda all eat rats and I would hate to take their food.  That might be on my list of something to bring back next time we come over.

Please keep us and the work in your prayers.

In HIS Service,

Steve and Kandie
