The first few days we are back in Ghana are always trying.  Not only are we suffering from jet-lag but we cannot remember where we stored everything while we were gone.  Besides which there are very few groceries in the house because we gave everything that was perishable away before we left.  It sort of feels like it did when we moved into a new house.  Fortunately today was market day so we were able to buy many of the fresh ingredients that we needed.  The market was very busy today; we had to park the truck a block or so away from the market.  The walk into the market was not bad but coming out was a bit of a struggle with all of the fruits and vegetables that we bought.

The Child Center had lots of mothers this morning.  A new orphan was brought to the Center by the nutritional officer from Yendi Hospital.  The baby was 3 days old.  The mother had pre-eclampsia; she died while they were doing the C-section.  It is a wonder that the baby did not die too.  The baby is going to be taken care of by her grandmother on her mother’s side of the family.  The baby does not have a name yet because the family has not had the naming ceremony.  Baby No-name seemed to be doing fine; she weighed 2.2 kilos which is 4.84 pounds.  We not only gave the family formula but also preemie and newborn clothes.  They were very grateful for the help.  Children in Ghana are considered orphans if either their mother or father have died.

While we were in the market we ran into Adamu’s uncle.  He told us that Adamu was doing very well and that if we wanted to see her he would take us to the stall where her mother was selling things.  We did not want to miss the chance of seeing her!  We were amazed at how well she was doing.  She now has hair, she has plumped up and she is beginning to walk by holding onto her mother’s hands.  The mother was all smiles and continued thanking us for helping her child.  We pass her thanks on to you.  Zorash said that the aunt and grandmother who thought she was not human but rather a snake and needed to be killed are amazed at how well she is doing!  Hopefully they have given up that crazy notion now that they have seen how well she is thriving!

It is raining!  Praise the Lord!  Ghana has been in a drought; there has been no rain in over 3 weeks.  The corn is blistered; most of the people will not have a corn crop this year!  Red said that he planted corn twice and both crops failed.  Divine said that neither his rice nor corn would make this year.  Divine predicts that there will be lots of hunger in Ghana this next year!  The rain is a blessing!  If the peas and soybeans get rain they should be able to produce.  Please pray that the rain we are getting now continues.  We are in the middle of the rainy season and we should be getting rain at least every couple days.  September traditionally is the month that we get the most rain.

Enjoy your day!

In HIS Service,

Steve, Kandie and Skeeter

Monkey Shines

Mom saved me from the rain!  It is raining buckets and buckets!  I don’t mind the rain too much; it is the thunder that gets me!  I am so happy that the parents were here to bring me inside so I don’t have to shiver and shake outside in my cage.  I had to weather many storms in their absence and I did not like it one bit!!!

Mom is busy on the computer and I am trying to get her attention.  I am climbing in and out of her shirt, grabbing pencils off the desk, pulling off their erasers, wiggling the mouse and generally making a nuisance of myself!

I was so happy when Mom and Dad came back from the market with fresh fruit!  Yum!  I have been living off of frozen fruit for the past 2 months.  It is something to keep you alive but it is not as delicious as fresh fruit.  Tonight I had bananas and pineapple.  Mom also gave me a few bites of chicken (she said I needed some protein) and she made me try a raw green bean!  What in the world?  I noticed that she cooked their green beans.  I have to say that the green bean was not too bad but I prefer a banana!  Maybe if I reject the green beans they will not appear on my plate again!

The worst part of my day was that dreaded bath!  Yes, she remembered that I needed a bath!  I struggled and put up a good fight but in the end Mom won the battle and I got drowned!  Dad said I smelled much better but I could not tell any difference except that I was wet!


Love, Skitter
