Amama came to work this morning to make up for the day she was off earlier in the week.  It was very nice to have someone to mop the floors for us.

Yendi is working on a huge project to put a wall around the city cemetery.  They are building a 7 foot wall all the way around the cemetery to keep people from encroaching on the property.  They are making the wall around 65 acres.  The people of Yendi are donating their time to do the work.  Those that are not able to work are making donations of sand, cement, gravel, water and food.  We thought it would be a nice gesture to make a donation to the cause.  We bought 39 bags of cement and hired a motor king to haul the cement to the cemetery.  The volunteers only work on Saturday and Sunday.  We were amazed at the number of people that were working on the wall; there were thousands of men, women and children working on the project.  Some were laying blocks, some molding blocks and others were mixing and carrying cement.  We were not prepared for the number of people that were working.  Of course as in all these projects there were a large number of people standing around doing nothing.  The project was started in December and they have ½ of the wall finished already.  Watching the people work reminded us of the rebuilding of the walls in the Bible.  

Most of the workers wanted to go with us to present the cement to the cemetery so we drove the van.  I did not realize what a big production this was or I would have taken my cameras.  After taking the workers home we went back to the mission house and got drinking water and the cameras and went back to take pictures and a video.

This afternoon we met up with Divine, the evangelist that helps us with the Church’s registrations.  Today is market day and he was at the mechanic having some work done on his motor king.  He had finally gotten last year’s 2020 annual returns from the auditor.  He will be filing 2021 in March.  We are so happy that he does that for the Churches.

Thank you for all your help and support.  Keep the prayers coming; we need all we can get!

In His Service,

Steve and Kandie
