Zorash was still gone this morning and we had Mr. Iddrisu and Donkey start hauling cement blocks and sand from the back part of the property up to the house in preparation for blocking in the wall on the mission house.  We did not want them to have to work too hard because of the heat and the fact that they are fasting for the month.  Can you imagine not being able to get a drink of water and working in this heat?  Makes me feel weak just thinking about it! 

Without Zorash and Mr. Iddrisu we were seriously short-handed at the Center.  We plugged right along and knew that if we really got bogged down we could get Amama to come and help us.  A couple times we had 6 or 7 women waiting in line but all in all everyone was seen in a timely manner.  We continued giving out enough formula, weaning mix and cereal to tide the babies over for the next 3 ½ weeks.  A new orphan came this morning.  She was a little girl and her mother died in the hospital after a C-section.  Actually the mother’s death probably had more to do with the fact that this was her 4 C-section than anything else.  The baby’s father is still around but Ghana considers a baby an orphan if either the mother or the father is dead.  The baby’s uncle brought the baby and the baby’s aunt to the center.  They do not even live in our district; they live in the Zabzugu district but they heard that the Child Center helps with formula so they brought the baby.  The baby will be cared for by her aunt on the father’s side of the family.

We talked to Timothy this afternoon.  The new tire for his motorcycle finally came in.  A couple months ago he bought a new rear tire but it was not a good one and already the tire had started to crack.  We hope the new one he got will last a while.  He also needed a new tube.  The men at Kulkpeni have not yet decided when they are going to start molding the blocks for the new sleeping quarters.  They met on Sunday so surely they will start soon.  The problem is that they do not know how to make clay blocks because they only make mud ball houses.  The clay blocks will have a learning curve.  Dawda the mason said that he would show them how to and how much gravel, cement and sand to use in the blocks if they wanted him too.  Maybe we will know something soon.

This afternoon Steve and I tore the plywood off the doors that will be removed and replaced with cement blocks.  We found some termite damage so we are doubly happy that we are getting rid of the wooden doors.  We will wait until Thursdayto actually take the doors off the hinges because we have no way of securing the house if the doors are off.  Steve put a tarp over the screen doors so no one could see into the storeroom.

Our home congregation has had two deaths; please pray for the Robbie Tribble and Melva Dean Carter families.  They have some difficult days ahead and we know they would love to have your prayers.

In HIS Service,

Steve and Kandie
