Sakpei , the village we visited today, is about 45 minutes east of Yendi. When we arrived we found out that Joseph, a church leader who attends the monthly class had neglected to inform the congregation we were coming today.  Timothy had called Joseph yesterday to make sure we should come and he gave Timothy the green light. We try hard to visit all the congregations that we work with but  we like to be invited beforehand; that allows the congregation time to prepare . We were very much welcomed nonetheless. We met outside under a tree and the breeze was blowing most of the time. It made for a pleasant service.  

The chief wasn’t in the village so we left our kola with one of the church members. The people were very pleased with the gifts that we brought.I preached while Timothy interpreted for me. He always does a great job!

After services, when we had questions and answers, the subject of Moringa snorting came up. Moringa is a tree that grows here. There is a high number of men that like to snort it like snuff. Moringa tea can be found in some places in the states and from what we have researched it is not harmful when infused in water for tea, but, the men here like to snort it up their noses. Problem is the sellers of Moringa powder cut it sometimes with tobacco, cocaine, or marijuana .  We stressed the importance of staying away from snuff . 

Kandie made it known she was looking for old mended calabash gourd bowls to the ladies before we left and she was bombarded with many specimens. The ladies think it strange that Kandie likes the old items. They would gladly like to trade their old items for new ones if the price is right. The last village lady came running, with a baby in one arm and an old calabash bowl in the other, up to the pickup as we were just starting to move away.  At first she thought she had lost her chance but we stopped to look at her bowl. Kandie looked at it and pulled out 30 GH Cedis (approximately $3 USD)  and gave it to the woman. A big smile enveloped her face and she started dancing around holding up her money. She had some money to spend. 

The men of the congregation explained they wanted to build a new building near the road . They said the church building needs to be moved to their own land and they are negotiating with the chief about the plot of land they want. We explained our matching fund deal and they needed to prepare well because the price of building materials are very costly now. 

 I forgot to mention the congregation gave us a hen and some guinea eggs as a going away gift. They were very grateful we had come to visit them. 

Tonight at Kulkpeni our topical study dealt with verses about Judging. That wraps up another Lord’s Day. We are sure happy to have your support and prayers. Please continue to remember our friend Mike M. in your prayers for a speedy recovery. 

In His service,

Stephen and Kandie Taylor 

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