If you have read the Notes this past week you know we had a critter crawl up into the pickup’s blower/ac system. I drove the old van to the bush this morning instead of the pickup because of the continued stench; it would gag a maggot!

We were up earlier than usual trying to get everything ready to be able to leave for Tamale after we came back from the village today. Tomorrow we fly down to Accra to meet our guests on Tuesday morning and then fly back to Tamale the same day.

This morning we visited the congregation at Jegrido south west of Yendi. This is Timothy Niligrini’s home village. Timothy’s older brother Daniel is one of the church leaders at the congregation. Timothy’s two oldest children, Isaac and Abigail, came along with us because they wanted to see their grandparents.

On the way to the village we had the windows rolled down to stay cooler since the old van doesn’t have air-conditioning.  Half way to Jegrido Kandie told me to stop the van.  She said “I’ve got a bug in my ear”! I thought it might be a little bug that would crawl out on its own so I didn’t immediately stop. Kandie told me again “stop the van”.  I was trying to figure out what to use to get a bug out of her ear.  She said she could hear the bug buzzing.  I looked deep into her ear canal but didn’t see anything. Then I decided to put some water in the ear which I did. Low and behold a bug the size of a small wasp came out of her ear and fell to the ground. If it had been a wasp and stung her that could have been bad news.  We thank the Lord it came out without hurting Kandie.

My lesson topic during the worship dealt with unity of the brotherhood.  We are all brothers and sisters in Christ if we practice the New Testament pattern.  Brother Daniel taught the bible class about Christians dealing with problems before they get out of hand.  Eight-one attended the service including children. Timothy’s sister-in-law (Daniel’s wife) had some small tomatoes to send back with Timothy to give to his wife Rita. We also carried back a feed sack full of cassava skins to feed Timothy’s rabbits. Before leaving the village we stopped to greet the chief. The Jegrido chief is a paramount chief among Timothy’s Konkomba tribe.  We wanted to be sure not to slight him by leaving the village without showing him respect by giving kola.

On our way back to Yendi we dropped off Timothy and his kids.  We made it back to the compound shortly after noon.  We quickly tied up our loose ends and left for Tamale.

That is it for today. Please keep us in your prayers this week. We will be doing a lot of traveling. Please keep John Colgan and Steve Carr in your prayers as well as they arrive in Ghana on Tuesday morning which is 2am Alabama time; 8 am Ghana time.

May God bless!

In His service,

Stephen and Kandie Taylor
