I have to say that another major hurdle has been jumped today. The roof on the training Center was completed late this afternoon. The seminar is this week and we tried our best to have this building project finished by this time but things don’t always work out as we planned. Wednesday is when the fun begins preparing for the seminar so the mason will have to fend for himself for several days.
We visited the small congregation of Jakpumba this morning; it is 45 minutes south of Yendi. We had plenty of time to visit the chief upon our arrival. He was sitting under a tree with some other men. He was grateful for our visit.
The north wall of the church building has sunk down enough that the floor broke all the way across to the other wall. We are not sure if it was termites or ants that dug down into the ground allowing the wall to fall down and away from the roof. This is not a new problem. On our last visit we provided matching funds for the church to build local concrete blocks; which they did. They still need more blocks so we provided them with more matching funds to get the sand for the job. They were very grateful for the assistance and we likewise thank our supporters who give us money to help the congregations in this way.
I try to ask the brethren if they have any requests for a specific topic for me to preach. These brothers didn’t have a request so when I suggested the witchcraft lesson I have been using they were quick to tell me they wanted that lesson used. The audience listened to the lesson very well. Some years ago one brother who attended regularly left this Church to become a soothsayer due to family pressure. We were very sad to hear this news. In my lesson I referred to this brother not knowing that his wife was in the audience. During the question and answers she told me who she was and that she appreciated me mentioning that if one repents of this God will surely welcome them back into the Church. She also requested us to pray for her husband’s return to the church. Please keep this wayward brother in your personal prayers.
As usual, we presented the church with gifts; bench, bible, juice, cups, bread, broom, and pad & pen. Just before we left for Yendi they presented us with a nice group of yams.
This is going to be a very busy week for us so please keep us in your prayers. May God bless!
In His service,
Stephen and Kandie Taylor