The seminar is history!  It was a great success!  We are exhausted and we can only imagine how tired the cooks and those that stayed up half the night for the past three nights must feel.  Everyone was talking about next year’s seminar so we know that they enjoyed themselves.  Since we had more people this year we not only had to buy more food but we had to engage more ladies to help with the cooking.

 When the seminar was over we made multiple trips back and forth to Yendi shuffling the people to their bus stations.  I don’t know how many trips John Colgan made back and forth with the motor king hauling all the stuff back to the mission house.  Steve Carr had the check list we made when we took the cooking utensils and containers to the seminar.  It was his job to locate all the stuff on the list.  It was awfully hot today while we were removing tents and counting chairs.  The high temperature today was 110 degrees.  When we got back to the mission house we all needed a glass of ice tea!

 After we got everything put away we jumped right into preparations for going home and closing up the mission property.  John and Steve C. drained the gas from the motor king and motorcycle.  Then they disconnected the vehicle batteries and sprayed around the mission house and out buildings for bugs.  The cistern pumps had to be disconnected.  John washed out the inside of the little refrigerator while Steve C. washed drawers and racks.  I must say the refrigerator has never looked better.

 This afternoon Zorash, one of the ladies that help at the Child Center came over to help us.  She washed a mountain of dishes and then helped prepare Fufu for supper.  We wanted Steve C. and John to try one of Ghana’s national dishes; Fufu and palm nut soup.  I personally do not know how to pound Fufu but I have friends that know how.  The guys enjoyed the dish.

 After it cooled down we packed the suitcases and tubs in the van so we will be able to leave shortly after 6:00 in the morning.  We will fly down to Accra and do a little site seeing and of course some shopping!

 Thank you for all you do for us and the work.  Please keep us in your prayers while we travel.

In His Service,

Steve and Kandie

Steve Carr and John Colgan
