At 6:15 this morning the motor king driver called to inform us he was waiting at the field gate to start moving concrete blocks. He had 300 more blocks to move to finish the work he started yesterday. Dawda, the mason, told me he would be coming tomorrow morning to begin repairing the section of the wall that had collapsed. 

Around 8:15 we got a call from Kandie’s brother Paul saying he had arrived at Accra Airport and Red was there to pick him up as planned. He said they had a smooth flight all the way from New York to Accra. He will be leaving Accra tomorrow morning and heading up to the city of Wa which is on the western side of the country. 

During Paul’s call this morning he mentioned the monetary exchange rate at the Forex Bureau was now 15 Ghana Cedis for every $1 USD you exchange.  When we arrived back in February the exchange rate was 12.5 Ghana Cedis for every $1 USD. That is a big jump in just 4 months. This doesn’t hurt our buying power because we have dollars but for the everyday Ghanaian it is costly. Since our money is sent by bank transfer from the states the banks here don’t give the highest rate like the Forex Bureau’s do so we don’t know what rate they give us unless we calculate it out ourselves.  

We visited the congregation in the village of Nakpachee today. The village is located about 15 miles south of Yendi. There wasn’t a special request for a lesson topic so I spoke about marriage.     Timothy Niligrini was asked to teach the bible class. I forgot to get a broom for the ladies so when I was presenting the gifts to the congregation I made sure to tell the ladies the next time someone from the church came to Yendi I would send one back with them. 

One of the men from the congregation asked if he could hitch a ride with us back to Yendi; today is Yendi’s market day.  It really worked out for the best because I was able to purchase a broom while in Yendi and send it back with the brother to Nakpachee.  

Tonight at Kulkpeni I plan to do a short topical study about Eunuchs in the Bible. This is an important subject to the young men because the inability to produce children is a major obstacle in this society. Villagers especially encourage the young men to “try” out the young woman to know if she can produce children. Satan has found another way to get people to sin using this method of reasoning. 

May God bless!

In His service,

Stephen and Kandie Taylor 
