It has been terribly hot here today.  The high temperature was 110 degrees with a heat index of 122 degrees.  Even the Ghanaians are complaining about how hot it is and if they are complaining you know it is HOT!  At 9:00 this morning when we finished our walk the temperature was already 96 degrees with a heat index of 102 degrees.  We walked back to the mission house from town after we dropped off the green truck.  Normally we walk earlier in the day to beat the heat.

The air conditioning in the green truck has gone out.  Steve thought that it was a fuse but when the electrician tore into it he found out that the unit with the knobs that controls the air, defrost and what not had gone out.  The truck is more than 20 years old and finding parts is difficult.  Gomda called around and found one in Tamale.   Now how good it is another matter completely because it came off of a truck that is just as old as ours is.  Our only hope is that the air conditioning on the condemned truck went out early in the life of the truck and no one had the money or the means to repair it and it has not had much actual use.  Anyway the part is on its way from Tamale.  Gomda said we are not paying for it until he gets to look at it and see if it looks like it will still work.

Steve talked to Timothy Niligrini today; he is trying to get the information from the churches so we can get started on the end of the 2023 documents so we can get them filed.  Cell phones and Whatsapp have made it easier for the churches to send information and for us to get in touch with the churches.  We used to have to either go visit them or wait until they came in at the end of the month for class.  

Donkey cleaned out the gutter around the roof of the mission house in preparation for the rain.   Normally around the middle of March we will get an early rain and then we will have another 4-6 week period of no rain.  We want to be prepared to catch as much rain water as we can when that first rain comes.  We still have plenty of water at the mission house from the water we harvested during the last rainy season.

Steve spent a good portion of the day entering email addresses that we found on the laptop and in his phone.  After we did the laundry I had a little time to work on my quilt.  I was making good headway on it when I realized I had sewn the borders on in the wrong order.  I spent about as much time picking out the seams as I did sewing today.  

Take care and please keep us in your prayers.

In HIS Service,
Steve and Kandie
