We spent part of the morning working on the payroll. The Ghana government still has not announced the minimum wage increase for 2021 so we continue to operate on last year’s figures. One of the men from the Social Security office came to the mission house this morning. He came to verify that Emmanuel, one of the evangelists, had actually died. Well, we did not actually see him dead so how could we verify that he had died. Steve had already written a letter to their office to tell them that Emmanuel had died and that we would no longer be paying his salary and deducting his Social Security tax. The officer brought the letter that Steve had sent them that was dated, signed and stamped with him and had Steve resign the letter and re-stamp it. Please! While the officer was here we asked him if the minimum wage had been announced. He said no, but a group of the officials were meeting and trying to make a decision.
Warihana’s father called this morning and said that they had arrived in Tamale and that the doctor said he was going to do the surgery on the Osteomyelitis in her leg this afternoon at 3:00. We are praying that all will go well with the surgery and it will fix her problem. Maybe we will hear something later this evening.
Nazo is back at work, he did some painting yesterday and today but after he painted for a few hours this morning he stretched out on the bench under the mango tree and dozed the rest of the day. It is hard to tell if he does not feel well because of his back or if he does not feel well because he has been fasting all week; working in the heat and not able to eat or drink anything.
Meri got a motor scooter so she no longer has to walk to work. She only lives about 6 or 7 blocks from the mission house so her walk is not very long but she is proud of her new wheels!
A new set of twins came to the Child Center this morning. Their mother died about 6 weeks ago; no one knows why she died or what her complaints were. She died on the way to the hospital. The caregivers had come from the Nanumba district an hour or so away from Yendi. The twins were a boy and girl; they are 2 months old and seem to be doing very well. We will see them again next week and if they are gaining nicely we will let them start coming every 2 weeks.
When Steve was not hauling water from the washing machine he was working on a “Marriage” tract. Since we got the nice rain a couple days ago I decided to wash all the sheets that have been piling up. Steve got extra exercise hauling water. The ladies also started washing the medicine bottles for the Child Center. We had put that job on hold until we got rain. I guess you can tell we are proud of the rain!
Thank you for all you do for us and for the work. You will never know how much good you are doing for the people in this area.
In His service,
Steve and Kandie