We arrived safely in Accra, the capital city of Accra around 2:30 this afternoon.  We got in about 30 minutes early which is always a good thing. 

When we bought our tickets for Ghana this time we made sure to ask if there were any embargo or weight restrictions on the flight.  We were assured that there were no restrictions and that we could carry up to 10 bags on each ticket.  We packed 12 bags.  On Saturday we had to go to the airport in Huntsville because we could not get the forms for “FLY READY” to load on the computer.  While we were at the airport Steve decided to ask about excess luggage and we were told that there were luggage restrictions on this flight!  Please!  We were told that we could only take 4 bags each.  We already had the suitcase and tubs loaded in the van.  When we got back to Athens the kids and grandkids helped us off load and repack the luggage.  At least this time we had some advanced notice and were able to cherry pick the stuff that we needed the most.  The desk agents said that this happens from time to time and that we should always check about 72 hours before we fly to see if there are any new restrictions.  Now really who waits until 72 hours before they fly to pack 600 pounds of luggage???

Monday morning I decided that I wanted to take a couple of the suitcases that we already had packed to the airport in addition to the 8 we already had packed just in case the restrictions had been lifted.  It was an idea but it did not pan out; we were still restricted to 8 pieces.  I feel sorry for the next folks that come to visit us in Ghana because I am going to overload them with luggage!  Ha!  

As we were descending and preparing to land we flew through rain.  It has been trying to sprinkle off and on this afternoon.  Yendi is in the middle of the dry season but Accra has a shorter dry season and a longer growing season than Yendi does.

The customs agents were very kind to us this afternoon; they did not make us open any of our bags for which we were grateful.  Richard, the driver of the van  we hired to take us to the airport, was standing outside the airport doors when we exited the airport.  We had Richard take us to the domestic airport so we could buy tickets to fly up to Tamale.  We got tickets for Friday morning; we have some business to take care of in Accra before we can go on to Tamale.  We should have some extra time in Accra; I am hopeful that I will have some time to do a little shopping.

The electricity in the hotel is off.  What’s new about that?  Thankfully they have a generator. We are on the third floor of the hotel; no, the hotel does not have an elevator.  It is a killer hauling bags up and down the stairs.

Thank you for the prayers for safe travels!

In HIS Service,

Steve and Kandie  
