An update on Adamu:  We went to the hospital this afternoon to give her aunt her food money for the week.   The nutritional nurse said that the father had sent the money; the mother had accepted it and that she was supposed to start her journey today which will mean she will be in Yendi sometime tomorrow.  We are hopeful that this new arrangement will work.  Only time will tell.  While we were at the hospital we had them weigh Adamu; she weighed 4.95 kilos so she gained back the weight she lost when she was sick.  This morning the aunt told us that she was not feeling well.  She has some of the signs of Malaria.  We told her to go to the hospital pharmacy and get tested for Malaria but she said she did not want to be tested; she said that when she thinks she has Malaria she just buys the medicine and takes it.  We said that we would go and buy the medicine but she said she does not know the name but she recognizes the package.  She said she could not tell us the price either.  Steve finally just gave her some money and told her to buy what she wanted.

The father of the intersex child is still waiting for the doctor to talk to him and tell them exactly what surgery they did on the child.  The waiting is hard on everyone.  Maybe they will know something tomorrow.

We started giving away clothes in the Child Center this morning.  Today was not too bad but word will get out that we are giving away clothes and we will be swamped.  The mothers are always happy to get the clothes.  Our thanks go out to those who make clothes, provide fabric, cut, and shop for little boy shirts and shorts. 

Mr. Iddrisu called this morning and said that if the doctor cleared him he would be back at work on Wednesday.  By then we will need all the help we can get in the Child Center.  

Steve bought the tires and tubes for the church leaders and evangelists bicycles.  He had to make several trips to town and buy from various vendors to get enough for everyone.  He needed 40 tires and 40 tubes.  He had a few left from last year which he will also give out.  Thank you to all of you who help with evangelism.  

This year’s Shea nuts are starting to be harvested.  It seems like the Shea nut crop is not going to be very good this year.  We use Shea butter for the diaper rash ointment that we give the mothers that come to the Child Center.  We are just about out so we had Zorash contact one of the ladies that makes the Shea butter; she is going to make us about 70 kilos  of Shea butter which is 154 pounds.  It should be ready tomorrow or the next day.

Please keep us and the work in your prayers.  Thanks again for all the help.

In HIS Service,

Steve and Kandie

The Monkey Shines

I am exhausted!  I have been working all day!  I spent the whole morning in the Child Center looking at all those crying babies!  Babies are very noisy!  Then I worked almost all afternoon on my jail cell.  I must say that it is feeling more like home and less like a jail cell with each improvement.

Mom and Dad added an addition to my enclosure.  They had Red make it for me.  It is huge; it is 4 foot square and 8 feet tall; I have lots of room to stretch out.  My original jail cell was a 4 foot square with a 2 foot roof but once I got my small monkey house put in it I did not have much room to romp and play.  But guess what?  I can get out between the bars of the new addition.  Red brought the addition to the mission house while Mom and Dad were at church yesterday.  After he got it all put together and he left; Donkey was helping him and Donkey went back to raking the yard.  The bars on the addition are bigger than on my original house.  If I turn my head just right I can squeeze through the bars and I am free.  The first time I broke out of jail I was not sure what to do or where to go to find my people.  I wandered around a little while and then I heard Donkey raking the leaves.  I ran around to the backyard and I found him.  He was surprised to see me and picked me up; he did not know that I could get through the bars; he thought that they had left one of the doors open.  Donkey put me back in my cage and made sure the doors were shut.  He went back to raking.  It only took me a few minutes to get free again.  Donkey did not know how I was getting out but he knew that he could not leave me alone in the cage or I might run away and get lost!  

Donkey held me until Mom and Dad came home.  They put me back in the cage and watched me.  I popped my head right through the bars and jumped onto my Dad; I was never so happy to see anyone as I was to see him!  After a few minutes I got down and Red walked up.  I am sort of scared of Red so I made sure that he did not touch me.  I climbed back inside my jail cell the same way I got out right through the bars.  I felt safer inside than I did outside.  

Houdini Strikes Again!

Love Skeeter    
