When Timothy Niligrini arrived at the house this morning I was surprised to hear that his little boy Philemon was in the Yendi hospital and had been there since Friday. The symptoms he described the boy having could be several things but the illness has dehydrated him due to the vomiting and diarrhea which thankfully has stopped. Timothy planned to stop by the hospital when we got back from the bush but we haven’t heard anything else.  Timothy said a doctor didn’t see the boy yesterday and I seriously doubt they will see one today since it is Sunday. 

We visited the Church at Mpeasam which is south of Yendi in the Nanumba North District. Because of the better roads this 2 hour trip is now reduced down to 1.5 hours.   The congregation was seated under a tree near their church building when we arrived. We enjoyed the breeze during the service. One of the church leaders taught the bible class using lesson material that we have been teaching in the monthly classes. It made me happy to know someone is putting these lessons to good use.  

After services we had the usual question and answer period.  We were also made aware that a couple had a little girl they wanted us to name.   I got a chance to hold the baby while giving her the English name of “Patience”.  Her Konkomba name means “A blessing”. We also discussed the church’s building. The metal door was off the hinges and in rough shape so I told the Church we would take the door back to Yendi and have Red rework it. During our discussion the brothers told us they are building cement blocks to build another building since their old one is in bad repair. They have already used their own funds to build half of the blocks so we provided matching funds to produce the remaining blocks needed for the job.

Brother Moses, the church leader that attends the monthly class provided a meal for us that consisted of Fufu (pounded yams) and light soup with some kind of fowl in it. It was really good. After eating Moses invited another church brother to visit with us.  His father used to be the chief of the village but he passed away. Timothy suggested that we give some sympathy money.  He was very grateful for the kind gesture.   Before we left for Yendi the men of the Church presented us with some yams and guinea fowl even though they had already fed us. I’m sure they wanted us to know how much they appreciated the financial help with their building. We’re grateful to our supporters who make funds available for us to help the congregations. 

On our way back to Yendi we could see dark clouds gathering in the east. By the time we reached Yendi it was coming a gully washer and it has rained off and on all evening. The tractors will be running big time tomorrow plowing the fields. 

This concludes another day for us.  We hope you have had a good Lord’s Day and may God bless!

In His service,

Stephen and Kandie Taylor 
