Adamu, the severely malnourished little girl that we have had so much success feeding, came to the Child Center this morning. She is sick. Her mother said that she has diarrhea. Steve told her to go straight to the hospital. She has no money for hospital bills; Steve told her not to worry about it, that we would help her with the medicine and other costs. She was very grateful. We pass her thanks on to those who help with the Child Center and the babies. I can’t imagine how awful it would be to have a sick child and no means of getting them treatment. The doctor admitted her to the hospital. A serious illness could really set her back. We are happy that her mom brought her quickly.

Zorash and I went to town today, the lady who sells the fabric seconds called Zorash and told her that she got new fabric. I bought several pieces; we are going to have Timothy Niligrini make magic shopping bags for us. When we have a sewing project we like to give the work to him; he is not only an evangelist and a farmer, he is a tailor too.

Last night Divine stopped by to show us the rice that he had milled for his family’s consumption. He said that there was a new rice mill on the outskirts of Yendi. The rice looked good. He said that on the days they are milling rice the ladies that bring the rice from the village will sell it to individuals. Selling the rice straight from the mill is good for them because they do not have to pay to have it transported to the market. He said that the rice should be a little bit cheaper than the rice in the market. After we bought the fabric, Zorash and I went out to the grinding mill. They were not grinding today but they took Zorash’s number. They are going to call us the next time someone brings in a big bunch of rice to be milled. They said that because of the lack of rain the rice is not producing like it normally does.

Nazo did not come to work today; he called and said that he had to go and work on Ya-Na’s farm (the king of our area). It is not a good idea to say “NO!” to the king! He will make the day up later in the week.

This morning one of the orphan girls that we have been feeding for a few weeks came back to the Center. Zorash asked if we could give the mother clothes for the child. The mother died shortly after the baby was born. She said that the family refused to let the baby wear the clothes that the mother had bought for the baby before she was born and the baby was wearing rags. The family said they believed that it was “taboo” for a baby to wear clothes that were bought by her mother if the mother died. We had never heard of this custom. Zorash and Meri had not heard it either. Different tribes have different customs. We are going to ask around and see if we can find out more about this custom.

It is almost time for Bible study so I will close for now. Have a great day!

In HIS Service,

Steve, Kandie and Skeeter

The Monkeyshines

Let me clear up some confusion. My name is Skeeter not Skitter! Who ever heard of a monkey named Skitter anyway? That is a silly name! And while we are on the subject of clearing up mistakes my notes are supposed to be called “The Monkeyshines” but I have noticed that occasionally Mom forgets and writes “Monkey Business”. You know she is getting old and makes mistakes!

Mom was on that eating bugs kick again; she made me eat termites again. I was not interested in them so she caught them and basically forced me to eat them. You know I am not a fan but they would do if I was starving which I am not!

My bath this morning was particularly cold; it sprinkled off and on all night and the temperature got down into the 80’s. I fought tooth and toenail trying to get out of that cold bath water but Mom won again! She said that she would warm the next bath water; “seeing is believing” or should I say “feeling is believing”? And to add insult to injury after she finished bathing me she took me into the cold air conditioned bedroom. It was “bitterly cold” in that room. She will be sorry when I catch my death of cold!

Mom found “The Bell”; remember before they abandoned me to go back to the states Mom found a bell and put it on my belt so that she could tell where I was and I would not get stepped on? Well, I have been bell free until today. She found the bell and reworked it. I was so humiliated when she hung that thing on my belt! How sissified does she think I am? I am a guy! What guy wants to wear a bell around his waist? When she put it on I sat down and sulked. I was so subdued that she eventually took it off! I was relieved until I heard her say, “That is enough for today; you can wear it a little every day until you get used to it!” Good grief! She has a hundred ways to torture me!

I am still “FREEZING”!

Love Skeeter
