We got our paperwork done in a timely fashion this morning and we dropped the earrings that needed repaired off at the jewelry store.  The jewelry store is run by a Lebanese family.  The last two times we have been in Accra we tried to get them repaired; the first time the gold smith was not around and the second time they needed 2 days to do the work and we were here on Saturday so they could not fix them.  It is difficult to get the earrings fixed in the states because they are 18 karat and most of the jewelry stores in the states only work on 10 and 14 karat gold.  I have had the earrings for years and have had them repaired several times.  The owner said that the earrings would be ready tomorrow afternoon.

We then went to the cultural center to look around and see if they had anything that we wanted.  We only bought a couple things because most of the carvers carve the same things over and over.  I guess they don’t expect to have repeat customers that return year after year for so many years.  Ha!  

We were pleasantly surprised when the owner of the jewelry store called this afternoon and they had finished working on the earrings.  When we went to pick them up it was getting close to suppertime.  We wanted Indian food but when we got to the little restaurant we found out that they did not open until 6:00pm.  We did not want to wait that long to eat because it would be dark by the time we finished and it can be dangerous moving around Accra after dark.  We decided to try a new place that specializes in Lebanese food.  We had a lovely meal; I was especially excited that they had Toum (a garlic butter spread that is made from oil, fresh garlic, salt, and lemon). It is whipped into a butter that is the consistency of softened butter.   

Steve talked to several of the workers today and to Timothy Niligrini.  Everyone seems to be doing fine.  Amama was not around today and she will not be at work for the next couple days because someone in her family died.  We were going to have Mr. Iddrisu open the mission house so that Amama could sweep the floors and get rid of some of the dust before we get to Yendi.  If they are not busy at the Child Center Zorash will sweep the floors.

Thank you for all you do for us and for the work.

In HIS Service,

Steve and Kandie
