We did not do much today except travel.  Steve Carr and John Colgan’s plane arrived on time and they did not have any trouble going through customs.  All of their luggage arrived with them which was a blessing.  As soon as they got out of the airport they went to the Forex and changed money.  We did not have to wait very long before it was time to get on the plane to Tamale.  Red, the part time driver, was waiting for us at the airport.

When we arrived in Tamale we were hungry, well anyway I was hungry but then I am always hungry.  We went to SWAD’s for lunch.  SWAD is a small outdoor restaurant which serves Chinese, American, Indian and Ghanaian food.  John was adventuresome and tried one of the native dishes Red-Red which consists of fried plantain and dried black-eyed peas flavored with red palm oil.

After we finished eating lunch we went “shopping”; one of my favorite things to do.  Everyone bought something except Steve Taylor but then I bought enough for him too.

The whole town of Tamale is without electricity.  The main transformer blew yesterday.  We were so happy when the hotel said they would start the generator.  Our room is cool and we had a nice supper.  Everyone is ready for bed.

Not much else to tell.  Thank you for all the love, prayers and support.  We appreciate everything you do for us and for the work.


In His Service,

Steve and Kandie
